Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Weekend Full of Events

Brandon and Diane Tied the Knot
This past Saturday our neighbors Brandon and Diane got married. They had a beautiful outdoor wedding in Minnetonka. The weather was perfect. Diane and I started our morning by getting our hair done. Then it was off to get dressed and ready for pictures. We took pictures down by Minnehaha creek... I can't wait to see how they turned out. Here is a picture of Diane and I after we got our hair done. It was fun to have someone else do our hair for a change.
Here is a picture of Nate and I right before the wedding. I am just so happy that it wasn't humid out, so we could enjoy being outside for most of the day. The reception was at Brandon's parents house where we had dinner and a bonfire. By the end of the night I was ready to just lay down in our bed. My back was so sore from all the activities from the day. (The joys of being 8 months pregnant.)

Baby Shower in Mora

After my big day on Saturday my weekend was far from over. Sunday morning I got up and drove to Mora for Nate's side of the family baby shower. We had so much fun playing the games that Mandi (Nate's sister) and Angie (Nate's cousin) thought of for the shower.
One game we played was to see who could drink the most liquid out of a bottle within a certain period of time. Of course I didn't win, but it was really fun to watch everyone else trying to drink as fast as they could.
Hailey (Nate's niece) helped me open all my gifts. She was a big help. We asked her "Where is Nikki's baby?" - Hailey's response "In mommy's tummy!" Thank you to everyone for giving us such wonderful gifts.
After the shower I had to drive back to Eden Prairie for Nate's company picnic. We enjoyed some BBQ, swimming, and soccer. Of course I was just a bystander on the game playing, but it was fun to talk to all his co-workers and spouses.
I am so happy that my busy weekend is over and next weekend I will get to relax on the lake.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thoughts for the Week

Maternity Swimsuits
Being pregnant in the summer sometimes means that you might have to wear a cute maternity swimsuit. Luckily, my co-worker offered to give me her maternity swimsuit. (Who wants to buy a maternity swimsuit with the chance you might not be pregnant during the same time the next time around.) But the history of this swimsuit doesn't just go back to one co-worker. This swimsuit originated with another co-workers daughter. I love how maternity clothes are shared and borrowed. (I would like to thank my co-worker Cassie who has borrowed me several summer maternity outfits during my pregnancy.)

I know this isn't my most flattering picture, but I thought I would share.

I am Not a Shower Virgin Anymore

Last week my co-workers threw me a baby shower. We went to my favorite restaurant Olive Garden for some dinner and gift giving. I got a lot of cute girls outfits and other very essential baby supplies. When I got home I had to organize all my gifts and put them into her room. Of course I have already rearranged things 3 or 4 times, but who is counting. I think I am addicted to organizing her room.

Here is a picture of all my co-workers that joined in my first baby shower. It was fun to just get together outside of work. I want to thank everyone for coming and for all the beautiful gifts.

Here is our daughters first cell phone. What little girl doesn't need a cell phone and to grow up just like her mommy.

Three Hour Doctor's Visit
Last Friday I got to spend the morning at the doctor's office. It wasn't my first choice of things to do, but I had failed my one hour gestational diabetes test a few weeks earlier. So, I got the privilege of sharing my Friday morning in the waiting room. My morning started by drinking sugar... Okay it was in a orange favored drink... but it took some effort to get it down. (Plus you only have 5 minutes to drink it.) The three hours they took blood samples to be tested. I only ended up with a few bruises. I passed the time away with reading my book and writing Thank yous from my shower the night before.

During my three hour test I also had my 30 week doctor's appt. My new fear is pre-term labor, but my doctor assured me that I was not showing signs and that everything was closed and exactly where is should be. In the 2 weeks since my last doctor's appt. I didn't gain any weight, but I am measuring perfectly. I guess they look at your overall weight gain more than the weight you gain between appointments.

Monday my nurse called to tell me that my tests came back normal and that I was not showing signs of gestational diabetes.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Week in Review

A Big Purchase
This weekend Nate and I decided we couldn't pass up a great deal on a new boat. Friday after work Nate called me to come look at a new boat. By the time we left the marine store we had put down $500 and started the paperwork to purchase a new 2007 Stingray 195LX. The next morning they called telling us that we qualified. Within minutes Nate was in the truck ready to go. A few hours after that we were out on Christmas Lake enjoying the water on the hottest day of the year. Sunday we took our friends Jeff and Kailey out on Lake Minnetonka. We spend the day cruising around the lake and looking at houses and swimming in different bays. After a few hours we noticed some dark clouds coming, so we headed back to the launch. The moment we pulled the boat out of the lake the wind picked up and it started to rain.

Last night Nate and I took my Uncle Jim out on Lake Waconia. We were able to put on a few more hours so that we can now official pull skiers, wakeboarders, and tubers. Next summer we will be purchasing some of the water toys.

Here is a picture of our boat right before we were going to launch on Lake Waconia.

Here I am relaxing the other night on Lake Waconia. Here is Nate and my Uncle Jim enjoying the nice weather on Lake Waconia. The lake was calm, so I didn't have to worry about being bounced around.

Ten Years Already?

This past Saturday Nate and I went to my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe that I graduated high school 10 years ago. Where did the time go? I saw a lot of old friends that I had lost touch with over the past few years. Of course after we left I kept thinking of people I wish would have come. Everyone kept telling me that after high school time flies by. They were not joking.



A few weeks ago Nate and I went camping with Nate's family. We spent the weekend near Mille Lacs at a beautiful campground. The weather was beautiful... warm sunny days and cool evenings. It was so nice to be away from home and spending time with family.
Cody loved being outside the whole weekend. He did get tired of being tied up, but he did get plenty of walks and playing catch. He also enjoyed being around Hailey who played catch with him.
The campground we stayed at had several activities for kids. Here is Hailey and Darren enjoying the train ride around the campground. Mel, Mandi, and I also enjoyed the train ride. The only problem was that Hailey kept asking about the train. We had to keep telling her that the train was sleeping.

There was also a 4th of July parade around the campground. Auntie Mel did a wonderful job decorating Hailey's trike. She made it almost all the way around the campground before she was ready to be done.