Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Wow, I can't believe that Christmas is over and it is now time to say goodbye to 2008 and Hello 2009. We stayed around home this Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to my dad's house to have some ham and enjoy a movie or two. We have also decided that my dad will be called "Bobpa" instead of Grandpa. We mixed my dad's name Bob with Papa (What Anne and I call our dad). I would like to thank my Aunt Sandy for this name.
Christmas Day we went to my sister's boyfriend's parents house. We spent the day enjoying some yummy food and great company. Kaitlyn loved their stairs.

This is an older picture from when my mom was here. It is a great picture of all of us girls.

I can't believe how much changes in a year. Kaitlyn is learning more and more each day. She now knows where her feet, belly button, nose, and ears are. She says Mama and Mommy a lot more, but I still think she prefers to say Dada or Daddy. Her new things are climbing and loves to repeat us when we say - "Get Down or Sit Down". She loves to sign a few words too.

Nate now has been a stay at home daddy for a month now. It is fun to come home to a smiling face at the top of the stairs when I walk in the door.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Last Friday as Nate and I were packing up for our trip to Mora, Kaitlyn surprised us again. Nate was busy loading up the truck while I was in the kitchen wrapping a few last gifts. Kaitlyn was near the gate on the top of stairs. As I was in the kitchen I heard the gate move. (Sometimes it doesn't close all the way.)

I called for Kaitlyn to come see me and only heard silence. (Which is never a good sign. That means she is up to something.) As I turned the corner... there she was half way down the stairs. She was holding onto the railing and carefully taking walking down the stairs with Cody right next to her. I can't believe it. She knows how to carefully go down stairs. What? Everytime I have seen her... she just wants to walk right off the top stair.

When Nate got back inside I explained what happened and we tried to replay the episode, but with me holding onto Kaitlyn's hand... Guess what? She just tried to step off the top stair. I guess she knows what to do without me.

She sure does surprise me everyday.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Visit with Nana!

This past weekend my mom came to visit from Texas. We had a very eventful weekend. Kaitlyn of course entertained us. Here are some pictures from her visit.

Here is Kaitlyn on her new four wheeler. She has learned how to push the button to make it go.
We went to the Macy's 8th Floor Display on Friday. Kaitlyn loved looking at all the elves.
After we walked through the Macy's Display we went to watch Hollidazzle Parade. We didn't make it all the way through because it was below zero wind chills.

Here is a picture of Kaitlyn and Nana!

Kaitlyn getting ready to go outside for the Hollidazzle. It took some work, but she can sure get around with all her winter gear on.
Here is Daddy feeding Kaitlyn to the Dinosaurs. She thought it was funny!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Things to Look Forward Too!

Kaitlyn had her 15 month appointment right before Thanksgiving.

Here are her stats:
Weight: 19.5 lbs (5%)
Height: 28 3/4 (5%) - At least she has officially made it on the charts
Head Size: 17 (Not sure on the percentile.)

She still has fluid in both ears, so we are taking her to a ENT today. I will give an update after the appointment on our action plan.

Stolen Pictures from my Sister

My Sister is obsessed with taking pictures of Kaitlyn. I love looking on her facebook at all her pictures of Kaitlyn. Here are some of my favorites.

Anny said that she told Kaitlyn to say "Cheese" and she put on a huge smile. She looks likes she is a toddler now.

Here is Kaitlyn and Grandpa (Boppa) at our house. They were having a heart to heart talk!

Here is Kaitlyn and Daddy! Nate is officially laid off from work now. (It's okay it happens every winter.) They will spend 3 days a week together. The other 2 days Kaitlyn will go to Daycare.

Daddy did Kaitlyn's hair on Monday. He was so proud of himself... He even matched the rubber bands with her outfit.

Joy's After Having a Baby!

I thought I would blog about my experiences after having Kaitlyn. Don't get me wrong... I loved being pregnant and I love being a mom now... but let's just say that things are different now.

First - while I was pregnant... my eyes changed and I was not able to wear contacts. After Kaitlyn was born I was able to wear contacts, but my vision changed. I really didn't believe the eye doctor, but he kept telling me it was because of being pregnant.

Second - while I was pregnant... My hair was beautiful and thick... Now I keep losing it. I mean lots of hair comes out when I brush it. I am surprised that I still have hair! It is also more brittle and I have lots of little pieces that I have tame with hairspray.

Third - I feel like I am a teenager again with all my wonderful zits. I just love these new friends that have wanted to reunite with me.

I could go on about a lot of other things that have changed, but I will spare you the details. I would never want to trade in my life now. Kaitlyn is the joy of my life... She is worth all these physical changes that have happened and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

So Long November.... Hello December

Wow - I can't believe that November is already over. We enjoyed a long holiday weekend with family and friends. Thursday (Thanksgiving) we went to Nate's Aunt and Uncles house in Sauk Rapids. We spent the day eating, shopping, and looking at Black Friday Ads. We didn't do any early morning shopping on Friday, but we did make it to Target later that day. We also put up our new Christmas tree... Actually, it isn't new... since my dad gave us his old/new tree. I decided that it would easier to put the tree together when Nate and Kaitlyn were both sleeping. I enjoyed the silence and peacefulness of the whole ordeal.
Saturday my sister and I went to our cousin's baby shower. I have to say this was the first baby shower that I have gone to that you opened up the gift you brought.... This was because my cousin actually had her baby the day of her shower. After the shower Anny and I went to Kohl's and did some Christmas shopping. We got some really good deals and my Christmas shopping is almost done.

Here is family picture of the McNeilly's on Saturday!

Saturday we had dinner at my dad's with my Uncle Tom and Aunt Sandy, Anny, Uncle Randy, and my dad. We enjoyed spaghetti and so did Kaitlyn.... Okay - I am not a big fan of messy stuff.... ie: Spaghetti and a 15 month old. We will see how I handle arts and crafts later. (If you have seen John and Kate plus 8 - I have similar non-messy traits like Kate.)
Here is Kaitlyn stripped down to her diaper eating dinner. She loved it.... after dinner we headed straight to the bath tub... which she loves too!
Here is Kaitlyn letting us know that she was done with dinner and ready to be cleaned up.

Kaitlyn had the cutest outfit on for Thanksgiving. I love the tights that I found at Walmart.