Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Just Begun!

Ever since Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday I have noticed that she is really learning more and more everyday. She loves to repeat sentences. She has started to say "Luv ya" back to us. We are also starting to learn colors and numbers of objects. Our next big task is potty training. We have all the tools and we are now starting learn about them. She loves reading her Potty book she got for her birthday. She also is intrigued with the new potty chair in the bathroom. The problem is that she likes to take out the bowl which will someday hold her pee and poop. I am a little nervous about this. I pray she doesn't do this when she has a successful potty! Kaitlyn pretending to go potty in her new big girl potty. She wasn't too excited about it, but now talks about it all the time.

On Saturday morning as I was getting her dressed she decided she wanted to add accessories to her outfit. See below:

If you can't tell... these are bloomers that go under her dress to cover up her diaper. She thought she was so funny....
Of course we weren't done with just one pair... so she had me put on another one. The whole time she would say... "Kaitlyn silly!" and laugh! I almost left them on for the whole day, but decided against it.
Kaitlyn needed to add to her silliness by climbing on her crib. The good news is that she has never tried to climb out of her crib. I am crossing my fingers she won't ever try... before we move her to a big girl bed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kaitlyn's 2nd Birthday Party

Sunday we celebrated Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday. She didn't really understand the party was for her, but she enjoyed opening presents and eating her cupcake. Here are some pictures a video from the day.

Kaitlyn opening one of her presents. Every present she opened she would turn to me and say "open". We would have to distract her with a new present to unwrap.

After I started the unwrapping process Kaitlyn didn't take long to get to the actual present.

Kaitlyn wasn't too sure about the candle on top of her cupcake. She also got the cool placemat with her name it as a present too.

Kaitlyn really enjoyed when everyone was signing to her. At first she wasn't too sure, but when she realized she was the center of attention she loved it.

Kaitlyn wasn't too sure about how to blow out the candle.

Here is Kaitlyn, Cousin Darren, and my sisters dog (Teeney) in the wagon Bopapa got for her. She loves to open and shut the door, but I have taught her that the door is stuck when we are walking.

It got pretty warm in the afternoon, so all the kids got Popsicles to cool off. We will just have to say that we needed an outfit change after.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kaitlyn's 2 year stats

I took Kaitlyn to her 2 year wellness check this past Friday. She is such a big girl now that she gets to stand on the scale and against the wall to check her weight and height. No more stripping down to the diaper and laying down on the scale.

32" Tall - 10% - Hey at least we are on the curve now.
25 lbs - 50% - Wow - we are moving in the right direction.
18 1/4 head size - 25%

We also had her blood tested for lead and when they pricked her finger she didn't even cry. She was very intrigued with the My Little Pony band aid the whole way home.

This weekend has also brought out a few more milestones...
* She has proclaimed her toys as "mine" and makes sure you know this. Especially if it relates to anything for her babies.
* When she wants to go outside she says "side" and last night when I said "No." She asked "Why?" - I hope this isn't the start of the "whys"!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lighting Storm

A few weeks ago we had an intense lightning storm come through Mayer. It was an amazing show until lightning hit a tree in our back yard. We didn't realize this happened until we woke up and our upstairs TV would not turn on. I looked out the window and noticed some bark falling off on of our trees. We have learned a valuable lesson to unplug everything or have GOOD surge protectors. The lightning cut through the tree and killed the grass around it. We are hopeful the tree won't die and will heal from it's brush with mother nature!Here is one side of the tree that shows were the lightning traveled.

We are also very thankful for some very generous people who have donated a new/old TV for us to have.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to our Little Girl

To my little Girl on her birthday!

Kaitlyn you are really growing into a beautiful little girl. You definitely are a mommy's girl too! Everyday you learn and say new things. You love playing with your babies and helping mommy and daddy around the house. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives.

Here are a few things that you are up to these days.
* You love going to the park. You have no fear and will climb up anything no matter how high it is. You like to scare mommy by hanging over the edge or climbing up the slide.

* You are a blankie girl. We have 3 pink blankies, but really you only like 2 of them. Whenever you get hurt you don't want mommy or daddy.... you want your blankie and nukie.

* You love to say what you see... your favorite things to point out are: Motorcycles, trucks, horses (even though you are scared of them up close), rain or anything related to water.

* You love going on the boat and you know it goes in the water. You aren't a big fan of cold lake water just like your mommy. You take naps on the boat and don't mind wearing your life jacket!
* You love walks and being outside.

Last night Daddy brought home 2 babies and a baby buggy from one of his clients from work. You were so excited you danced around and wouldn't eat dinner without at least one of your babies.

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaitlyn! We love watching you grow into a little lady!