Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Terrific Two's Part 2

This past weekend we were in Mora again for our Nephew's Baptism. It was a perfect opportunity to take pictures of all 4 cousins. These pictures are posted in chronological orders.

Here is Kaitlyn (2), Hailey (5), Darren (3), and Gibson (3 months). Several people were trying to capture this moment so it was hard to get them to look at one camera. At this point Kaitlyn is loving the attention until....
She realized that she wanted to hold Baby Gibson. It was quite the scene. After some bribery we convinced her to smile for a few more pictures. We told her that she could hold Gibson next.

All smiles again.... who says bribery doesn't work in the right occasions.

Happy that she got to finally hold her cousin Gibson.

Busy April

I can't believe that April is almost over. We have been busy! We are working on re-doing our deck and patio in the backyard, Nate started work, Anniversary Party, Baptism, and Nate completing his EMT classes.

A few weeks ago we decided it was time to start Phase # 2 of our landscaping projects. We aren't sure how many phases we will have, but we are on Phase #2. Since this phase is a big one, we have all the heavy equipment at our house. We have a back-hoe, Bob-cat, and a cement mixer. Kaitlyn loves to ride with daddy when he is working. Our good friends the Eggimans came over to see all the big equipment a few weeks ago. Here are some pictures:
Here is Kaitlyn, Brayden, and Kaylee hanging out in the Bobcat bucket. This was the best picture I could get. I love how not one of them is looking at the camera.
Nate had all three kids in the "Big Digger" (per Brayden). They loved to watch Nate move the dirt around. It was hard to get them to get out after their ride.
I have been taking pictures during the process, but you will have to wait until it is completed before I will post them. Also start planning to attend our "New Deck" party sometime in the next two month.

Terrific Twos!

We sure have been spoiled with such a beautiful spring. Above average temperatures, no snow in March, and not a lot of rain. This means lots of outside time. My mom has been watching Kaitlyn during the day while Nate and I are at work. They spend lots of time going to the park, story time at the library, meeting up with my sister and her nanny boys, and a ECFE class on Wednesdays.

Lately Kaitlyn has been choosing to go potty in her underwear instead of going inside to the potty. She is afraid that if she goes inside she won't be able to come back out. We are hoping this will change soon, since we are doing lots more laundry.

Easter we went to Mora to spend the day with Nate's family. Saturday we started a new tradition with our great friends the Nehrings. We hid over 100 eggs for all the kids. It was fun to watch all 10 kids searching for the eggs. Kaitlyn had to pose for this picture during the big egg hunt. Once she realized that there was candy and monies in each egg she wasn't much for posing for pictures.
Sunday we went to church and had a wonderful breakfast and service. Kaitlyn and her cousins had fun coloring and reading books during the service.