Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We went camping at South Isle Campground with Nate's family and good family friends.  There were 11 kids ranging from 3 months old to 7 years old.  Friday night we drove to Mora and spent the time because it was raining.  We didn't feel like unpacking all our stuff in the rain.  The weekend weather was a little chilly, but manageable.

Wally driving the train.

Taking the train around the campground.  We sent all Lori to handle all the kids.

Gavin relaxing during his first time camping!

Cousin Gibson! My favorite picture!

Cody relaxing while camping!

Cousin Darren fishing!

Aunty Mel helping fish with Kaitlyn and Darren.

Hailey was the only one to catch a fish for the fishing contest.

Kissing cousins!

All the kids minus Gavin who was sleeping.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Preschool Field Trip to the Como Zoo

Kaitlyn's end of the year field trip was to the Como Zoo.  I was able to get the day off to go with her.  She was so excited to ride a "Real School Bus".  When we got on the bus... Kaitlyn was very confused on why there weren't seat belts on the bus.  This seemed to be a concern with several of the children. 

The weather wasn't the greatest, but we had a great time looking at all the animals. Kaitlyn's favorites were the Giraffe's and the Polar Bears.

Polar Bears!

Kaitlyn and her best bud Brayden!

Best Friends!

Kaitlyn and mommy in our new warm sweatshirts that we bought.  It was the best $50 I spent!

Brayden and Kaitlyn

The weather wasn't the greatest, but we had a great time looking at all the animals.  Kaitlyn's favorites were the Giraffe's and the Polar Bears.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Kaitlyn Quote's and Conversations

Here are some of our conversations with Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn likes to talk to strangers.  She loves talking to ladies at the checkout counters at stores, random parents and older children at the park.  The funny part about this is when we get together with friends she is shy for the first 10-20 minutes, but after that shyness period has worn off you can't get her to stop talking.

We were at the park getting ready to swing, when she kept wanting this lady to watch her swing.  At one point Kaitlyn told the lady... "Watch this... it will be amazing!"

The other morning while I was getting ready to breastfeed Gavin she asks:
"Is there a lot of milk in there mommy?"  I reply "Yes".
"Is the milk warm?"  I reply "Yes."
"Is there cold milk too?"  - I just laughed.

When Gavin first came home... Kaitlyn would ask me if I was going to feed Gavin with a bottle or my boobies.  If I responded... with my boobies... she would sigh and say "That will take forever!"

We found that time-outs are not as effective in our household, so we have gone to taking away her favorite things.  Right now it is her pillow pet.  The other evening as we were just about to give Kaitlyn her pillow pet back she decided not to listen... so we told her the pillow pet had to stay on-time out.  She shrugged her shoulders and in a sad voice said... "Maybe I will get it back tomorrow."

On frequent occasions she tells Nana that she has a "fabulous" idea.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gavin - 3 Months Old

Today our Little Boy is 3 Months old.  He is growing so fast.  These last few weeks we have seen lots of changes in our little guy.  The biggest change is that he has finally moved into size 1 diapers and 0-3 months clothes.  He still can be a "high maintenance" little boy, but has been staying content for longer periods of time. 

 Kaitlyn and Gavin with the duck!

This week he has really started to "smile".  More so in the morning, but he does this cute big open mouth smile.  (I am hoping to get a picture of this soon.)  He has been sleeping longer periods at night.  We usually go to bed around 10:30 and he has slept until 5 or 6am a few times.  He loves being swaddled at night for bed.  We have started calling him our "little" piggy.  He will eat 5-6 oz in one feeding and than want more 2 hours later. 

He also has been focusing on more of his toys.  A few times he has actually moved or swatted at them.  He gets the biggest smile when he does.  I think he is amazed that he can actually control his arms and legs. 

Kaitlyn continues to be a big help with Gavin.  She likes to hold him and give him his nukie when he is crying.  There are times when asked to help get something... she just tells me "NO".

Gavin in Big Boy Clothes.  0-3 months.  He finally graduated out of Newborn.

Brother and Sister

Smiling Gavin!

This one's for Grandpa!

The other night Gavin was really fussy until Nate moved out of the chair and put him in the recliner by himself.  Nate and I sat on the couch the rest of the night!