Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gavin - 5 Months Old

Gavin is 5 months old and loves attention.  He still loves to be held or carried around and doesn't like to be left in a room by himself for very long.  He loves being in the front pack facing out so he can see everything.  Mommy loves the front pack so she can still get things done around the house.  We introduced him to the exersaucer a few weeks ago and he loves being able to look around and sit up. 

When he gets upset he throws his head back and cries.  Usually with no warning signs.  This usually means he is hungry or not happy with the person talking to him.  He sure can be a little drama king.  He must be getting some of this from his big sister.

Kaitlyn loves holding her little brother.
He has started to hold his bottle by himself.  We usually have to help him get his hands in place, but he loves when he can do it himself.

He has really started to interact with his toys with his hands and feet.  He loves blanket's.  When he is getting upset, I will give one for him to grab and that helps him calm down. 

He still likes to be swaddled at night.
Gavin 5 months old!  The quilt that Gavin is laying on was made by my Aunt Sandy.

Our Happy Boy!


I love having a baby who is a little on the chunky side.  I think we say that Gavin is chunky a little too often because Kaitlyn introduces Gavin like this.
* This my brother Gavin.  Isn't he chunky?  (As she is squeezing his fat rolls.)

Monday, July 11, 2011


We spent a week at Cozy Bay Resort on Lake Edward near Nisswa a few weeks ago.  It was so nice to have a week to relax.  The weather started out HOT and Humid, but cooled down in the middle of the week.  We had 3 cabins and one campsite with approxiametly 30 friends and family there through out the week. 

Kaitlyn spent a lot of time in the water with her cousins.  We had purchased a new tub to pull behind our boat.  The kids loved it.
 Cozy Bay Resort.  We take over the whole front of the resort. 
Kaitlyn getting ready to go tubing.

Mommy, Kaitlyn, and Angie tubing on our new 4 person tube.

Grandpa and Grandma with all the THINGS.

Gavin and Grandpa Tim

Daddy and Gavin

Mommy and her kids.  As you can tell they weren't very excited about taking pictures.