Sunday, August 21, 2011

Gavin's First Time Eating Cereal

Our little boy is growing up.  He tried Rice cereal for the first time.  He loved it.
Gavin hanging out in his high chair.

I guess Cody remembers what happens when the high chair comes out.

Yummy!  I love how Kaitlyn has her mouth open while I am doing this... The funny thing is that my mouth is probably open as well.

Kaitlyn's turn to feed Gavin!

All done! Now it's time for some water.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kaitlyn's 4th Birthday

I really can't believe that my little girl is 4 years old.  She is quite the young lady.  She refuses to wear pants on most days.  Her main choice of clothing is a dress and on occasion we can convince her to wear a skirt and a shirt. 

As I look back on the past year... Kaitlyn has really grown up.  She attended her first year of Preschool at Zion Lutheran in Mayer.  She loves going to school, but can be kind of shy in a large group.  Once she becomes comfortable you won't be able to get her to stop talking. 

Kaitlyn's Stats:
Height - 41 1/4" - 75%
Weight - 35 lbs - 50%

On her birthday - I decided to take a half day off of work to spend the day with Kaitlyn.  I met my mom and we went to get her haircut at my sister's friends house.

After we got Kaitlyn's hair cut, Aunty Anny, Kaitlyn, and mommy went to get Pedicures.  We had a great girl day of pampering.

Here is Kaitlyn on the quilt my Aunt Sandy made for her.  It has a cute picture of Mommy, Daddy, and Kaitlyn sewn into it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gavin 6 Months

Our little boy is growing so fast.  I can't believe it has already been 6 months.  He is really starting to interact with the world around him.  He still is not a big fan of being just with his daddy, but they are learning to manage. 

Here are his stats:
Height - 26" - 50%
Weight - 17 lbs 14oz - 50%
Head - 17 3/4" - 75%

Gavin is wearing 9 months clothes.  I am not used to having a child on the other side of the growth chart.  It is taking me some time to get used to.  He has rolled over once from his tummy to his back.  He loves to hold onto blankets. 

He loves to giggle and watch his sister play.  He has to know what is going on and be part of the action.  He still is a mommy's boy.  When daddy watches him they spend most of the time walking around the house together trying to calm each other down.

Our little boy sure does like to make things dramatic.  When he cries you will tip is head back and scream.  His face turns red and usually won't stop until he get's what he wants.  Most likely a bottle.  He only nurses in the morning when he is half sleeping, otherwise he doesn't have patience and would rather have a bottle.  (The pump and I are great friends.) 

He started not sleeping through the night.  He loved to wake up and eat around 2 or 3am and again around 5 or 6am.  Mommy sure missed his previous sleeping and eating schedule of 9pm - 5am.  I think he was just in his 6 month growth spurt.