Monday, June 25, 2012

Sibling Love!

A few days ago I tried to take some cute pictures of Kaitlyn and Gavin for their Father's Day present for Bopapa and Grandpa.  Let's just say that none of them made the cut.  Still waiting for another chance to get the perfect picture for the frames Kaitlyn painted.
Take one!  Gavin's not too excited about this photography session.

Great picture of Gavin, but not sure who Kaitlyn is looking at.

Gavin gave his best, so now he is done.

This is my favorite! 

Camping in Redwood Falls

This past weekend we headed to Redwood Falls, MN city campground with a few families from Mayer.  We had a great time exploring the trails and waterfalls.  We also took the kids to the city splash pool and waterslide.  I forgot my camera so we didn't get any pictures, but it was the highlight of the weekend for the kids.
All set-up and ready for the weekend.

On our way to the waterfall.  Gavin really liked his new hiking back-pack.
Heading out in a big convoy! 
First stop the bridge before the long trek to the falls!
We made it to the falls!!!  So pretty!

We ventured out on the rocks to get a closer look.

Kaitlyn and Kaylee climbing down to see the falls up-close.

Kaitlyn and her friends: Braydon, Ashlynn, and Kaylee

Ashlynn pushing Gavin in her stroller.

On our way we also did some Geocaching!  The kids loved finding the treasures.

On our way back to the campsite!

Ashlynn playing while she waited for dinner to be done.

Steve making us dinner.

Liesel and Gavin having some dinner!


Dark picture... but here is Jenny and Sara the pregnany mommies!!!


Nate and Steve

Sonja our tour guide took Nate and I to see another falls in the park.  It was a fun evening adventure.

 We had a great time with all our friends.  We can't wait for our 2nd annual camping trip next summer.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Gavin 16 Months

Gavin had his 15 month appointment yesterday.  I know I am about a month behind on his wellness checks.  Oops.  I guess this is what happens with baby #2. 

Here are is stats:
Height - 30 3/4" - 45%
Weight - 24.4 lbs - 45%
Head - 19" - 75%

Let's see what has changed in the last few months.  Well, he is walking and has been for a few months.  He loves being on the deck.  If we let him I think he would live out there.  We are thankful to Grandpa Tim for building a gate for the stairs.  He loves bread.  I think he could eat it at every meal.  He also loves to just eat.  When he is hungry he wants it now.  There is no waiting.  He also knows what he wants and doesn't want.  If he is done or doesn't like something it gets thrown on the floor.  He knows that Cody is nearby to clean up the mess. 

He loves to talk.  His favorite words right now are: Kitty, Hi (which includes waving), Hot, and Car.  He says mama when he is frustrated or wants something.  He says dada on occasion as well.  He is still a blankie boy.  He likes to sleep with 2 blankets at night or nap time.
Here is Gavin and Bopapa with matching hats.

Angie and Jaren's Wedding

Nate's cousin Angie married her best friend on June 16th.  Nate was asked to be an usher and Kaitlyn was one of the flower girls.  It was a beautiful wedding and so much fun.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.
Kaitlyn and her new shades for being part of the wedding.

Kaitlyn getting her hair done.  At first she was pretty excited, but during the process she thought it was too tight and too hot.  See what us girls have to go through to be beautiful.

Kaitlyn and Cousin Hailey with the beautiful bride Angie.

Flower girls

Kaitlyn and Daddy

Kaitlyn's Hair

So happy to be dressed up.

Kaitlyn and Mommy

A great family picture.  You are probably thinking someone is missing... Yes, Gavin was home with Nana for the night. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vacation Bible School

Kaitlyn attended Zion Vacation Bible School for the week.  They learned some fun songs and bible stories during the week.  Thursday night they had a little program for all the parents.  It was fun to hear them sing all the songs they learned during the week.
Kaitlyn with her friends Kaylee and Braydon.

Being silly!

Friday, June 08, 2012

Kaitlyn Soccer

We have decided to have Kaitlyn try different sports and activities to let her pick what she wants to do.  She is currently in swimming lessons and loves it.  She has really become the little swimmer.  The other week during her lesson she started swimming and started to struggle.  She instinctly flipped over to her back.  I am so happy that they taught her to flip to her back since that is easier.  Okay, I know this post is suppose to be about soccer, but I had to just add a little blurb about swimming.  She just started Little's 4 and they are learning front and back crawl.

We started Kaitlyn in a 5 week soccer program to give it a try.  Let's just say that this may not be her favorite activity.  She seems to more of a defensive player or possibly a cheerleader.  She did participate each week, but she did ask if she was done on a regular basis.  Maybe next summer she will be more interested.

Kaitlyn kicking a goal.  I love my shadow in the picture.

Goalie Kaitlyn

Yeah, she stopped the ball.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

First Boat Trip of the Season

We finally took out our boat for the first time this year.  We went out both Saturday and Sunday, since we knew that we probably wouldn't be using it again until July.  Last year we went out a few times with Gavin, but not enough for him to really recall the experience.

The weather was perfect, but let's just say that Gavin spent most of the time on my lap.  He isn't a big fan of the life jacket just yet.  Don't let the pictures fool you.  Our plan is to have him wear the life jacket at home a little more often so he can get used to it.

Kaitlyn even got to drive the boat for a little bit.  She did pretty good, but loved to keep moving the steering wheel.  She made some nice S shapes behind us. 

Our normal routine of launching our boat is that Nate and the kids get in the boat and I do the truck and trailer.  It was a little more challenging since Gavin isn't a big fan of the life jacket.  This makes it a little harder for Nate while they wait for me to get back to the launch.  I am pretty sure it will get easier the more we go out.