Saturday, September 29, 2012

Mayer Fire Open House

We had an open house at the fire station on Saturday.  Gavin loved all the fire trucks, cop cars, and helicopters.  He wanted to climb in and push all the buttons.  Here are some pictures from the day.

Gavin and mommy trying out the fire house. 

Gavin checking out the fire truck.  I wonder what this button does?

What about this?

Kaitlyn trying the fire house.

Kaitlyn in the smoke house.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Here is what happens when you give Gavin pudding and a spoon.

At the very end he decided to use the spoon to get the rest of the pudding out.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Kaitlyn's First Day of Kindergarten

Today was the big day!  Kaitlyn's first day of Kindergarten!  She started at a new school too!  Her teacher is Mrs. Shaw and we already love her. 
Kaitlyn was so excited for school.  She ate all her breakfast, brushed her teeth, let me do her hair, got dressed without one compliant.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the start of a great school year.

Attempt #1 with a picture of Kaitlyn and Gavin!

Attempt #2 with a picture of Kaitlyn and Gavin!
Attempt #3 - I guess we will just have to wait until next year for a 1st day of school picture of them both.
Kaitlyn and Nana!

I drove her to school today and on our way... I told her to always say Thank you, ask for help, and have fun.  I explained that is okay to ask for help if she can't open her lunch snacks or water, but she would just need to ask for help.  She replies... "Mom, I know how to open my yogurts and plus I know what to do at school.  I don't need any help."  I guess that means she is ready for school.

She had a great day at school.  We didn't learn too much about what she did, but here are some highlights.

*They had bus safety and she got to go out the back door of the bus.  She got a school bus keychain for   being a good bus rider.  She also said this was so much fun.

*She went to music and the teacher just played the piano.  They went to gym too. (Not sure what they did.)

*They didn't get to play on the iPods.  (Our referendum passed so each student will have access to an iPad during the school year.)

Here are some quotes from Kaitlyn:

I asked her if she ate all her lunch.  She said that a girl took her sandwich and than she didn't eat it because it has the other girls germs on it.  (Not sure if I should be worried about kids stealing sandwich's just yet.)

While talking to Grandma and Grandpa on the phone... she said "I had a long day, I really don't want to talk about it."

She loves school and when she came home she played nicely with her barbies while we made dinner.