Friday, September 26, 2014

Oliver Kelly Farm - Kaitlyn's 2nd Grade Field Trip

We headed to the Oliver Kelly Farm in Elk River for the 2nd Grade Field Trip.  The weather was beautiful and we had a lot of fun seeing how a farm is run in the 1800's.
Plowing the field

Kaitlyn and Mrs. Boerner getting the seeds out of the hay.


We had such a fun day enjoying how they did things over a 100 years ago.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

ALS Walk

We participated in the ALS walk to support my mom on her journey with ALS.  We had an amazing out pouring of support from all our friends and family.  We truly appreciate all your donations to help find a cure for ALS.  The walk was at Lake Phalen in St. Paul and the weather was beautiful.  Here are some pictures from the day.
Waiting for the shuttle to the walk.

My best friend Kristin!

Kaitlyn, Gavin, and Tristan on the shuttle to the walk.

Nana and Gavin

My mom and her brothers Kevin, and Lee



Gavin and Ashlynn - Best Friends

The sun was bright!

The whole group!  Thank you to everyone that walked with us!  We truly appreciate it.

My best friend Aimee and I and her husband Steve photo bombing!

Blake and Gavin having fun after the walk.
The McNeilly's in our Carol's Keepers Shirts

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nickle Dickle Day and 10K

Since I had several 5K's under my belt it was time to go outside my comfort zone and run the 10K during Waconia's Nickle Dickle Day.  This summer I had participated in a 90 day fitness challenge and part of our August challenge we had to run 6.4 miles.  This gave me the courage to run the 10K in a race format.  It was challenging, but I did it.  My time was 1:07:53 - not bad for my first 10K.  Next summer I will try to get under 1 hour.
Shape it Up Fitness - 90 Day challenge racers

Rounding the corner to the finish line.  I was so happy to be at the end.

Post run celebration with Jenny Nace and her Sister.

Celebrating after the race.

Nana, Brady and Gavin cheering me on during the race.

My official race number

After the race we enjoyed all the festivities in downtown Waconia for Nickle Dickle Day.

We had a great day!  So happy for the sunshine and warm weather.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Bike Trail

A few years ago the state paved the Dakota Bike Trail that goes right through Mayer.  The trail starts in New Germany and goes all the way to Wayzata.  We decided to take our first long bike trip on a beautiful sunny day.  We had bought a trail a long bike for Gavin from my co-worker and wanted to give it a try.  Gavin did awesome.  His feet barely touched the pedals, but he loved being on a bike instead of the bike trailer.

Kaitlyn and Daddy racing home.

Round trip to Saint Boni for some ice cream.  

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

First Day of School

This was the first year both Kaitlyn and Gavin went to school.  Kaitlyn started 2nd Grade at Watertown/Mayer Elementary School.  Her teacher is Mrs. Boerner and we love her.  She is an amazing teacher.
My Sassy 2nd Grader.

Nana came over to send Kaitlyn off to school!

Not as happy to be taking pictures of her getting on the bus.

Gavin started 3 year old Preschool at Zion Lutheran School in Mayer this year.  His teacher is Mrs. Wilaby which I think is the perfect last name for a teacher.  She is amazing as well.  

Gavin and Nana on the first day of school.

Since I am writing this blog post several months after the start of the school year.  I can tell you that Gavin is not a huge fan of school.  Every night he asks if he is going to school tomorrow.  If I say YES, he gets upset.  (He only goes to school Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:30 - 11am).  If you ask him if he had fun at school he will respond NO.  The funny part of this whole thing is when I see pictures of him at school he is smiling.  At least he stopped crying when we dropped him off at before school care.

Monday, September 01, 2014

A Summer of Bootcamps

This summer I have been in the best shape of my life.  My diet and exercise routine are working well together to maintain my weight this whole summer.  I was back to wearing bikini's again (after a 5 year break) and I love it!  My favorite workouts are Jill Hahn Bootcamps that were this summer.  Three of my girlfriends and I were in a 90 day fitness challenge, so we had to take group photos to earn points.  (I slacked on the daily route and food diary, but still participated in all the fitness challenges.)  Here are some of the fun group photos we took this summer.

Jennifer and I did our 30 minute hill climb in the dark (with headlamps) on Cemetery Hill in Waconia. It was tough, but tons of fun!

It was a great summer to spend working out with some great friends.