Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Big Slide

Gavin is still NOT a fan of the big slide at the fair.
This year.

Last year and this year side by side!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Benny John - Our new Nephew/Cousin

My nephew was born on July 29th.  My mom as able to meet your new grandson.  It was a very special moment for my mom to meet Benny!
My mom holding Benny for the first time.

Proud Auntie!



Kaitlyn loves her baby cousin!

Selfie with my mom!

Monday, July 27, 2015

My mom!

Just wanted to add these pictures of my mom and my aunt and uncle.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Kenny Chesney and Jason Aldean Concert - Target Field

Aimee and Steve spoiled us again and took Nate and I took the Kenny Chesney/Jason Aldean concert at Target field.  It was so much fun being outside and enjoying some great music.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Who cut your hair Gavin?

It's almost a rite of passage in a child's life to at one point cut your own hair.  One Saturday morning at the camper we noticed Gavin's hair looked different.  We asked him who did it and he replied.... Kaitlyn.  We than questioned Kaitlyn who claimed she did not to this.  So... who do you believe? The 4 year old or the 8 year old that hopefully knows better.  Both seemed to be telling the truth.

Well... after some questioning Kaitlyn claimed responsible for the hair cut.  She was very believable on her claim that she didn't do it.  I think we have to watch out for this one in her teenage years.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Flyboarding Take 2

We decided we had so much fun last year fly boarding we rented it again this year.  Sounds like it will be a yearly event.

It felt so much higher in the air than what the pictures show.  

Nate can really get up there.  

Maybe a flip next year?