Thursday, February 26, 2009

18 Months Already!!!!

Our little girl is 18 months. She amazes us everyday with the things that she can do. She has started to have mini-meltdowns when she wants to snack all day and we don't let her. She is talking more and more. Her favorite words to say are: Daddy, Mommy, Kitty, Puppy, Bobpa, Teeny (TT), and Hailey. We have been working on colors and animal sounds. She likes to copy me when I make all the sounds. She knows where most of her body parts are and where mommy's are. She loves to point out people in pictures on our fridge. We are also working on saying Please (Peasss) and Thank you (Tan ku).

We had her 18 month wellness check yesterday. Here are her stats:
Height: 30 3/4" - 25% (She is getting taller.)
Weight: 21.2 lbs - 9%

The other good news is that her ears are looking pretty good. She had an ear infection last week in her right ear, but it is clearing nicely. I am so glad that we did not do tubes. I am keeping my fingers crossed that her ear infections are far and few between!

Here is a little video I took last night of her talking. She really didn't want to copy me, but it is still cute.