Monday, September 14, 2009

Daughter Like Father

Saturday my girlfriend Aimee and I went to some garage sales in a near by town. We found a few treasures to bring home. One thing I did find was a new bike helmet for Kaitlyn. She calls it "elmo"... or that is what it sounds like. Sunday morning I tried the Helmet on her. She loves it.

After we finally convinced her to take her helmet off so she could get dressed we went outside. She must have her daddy's blood because she started showing off on her new bike. I am not familiar with all the trick names, but Nate said they all actual tricks. As a side note... We didn't teach her any of these... she did these on her own. Daddy only showed her where to put her feet on the pedals.

Here is her before she started doing all her "tricks". Nate is a proud daddy. Me on the other hand is a little nervous on her new abilities.

This one is called a "heel-clicker". She demonstrated this one several times during the course of her Tri-cycle riding.

Not sure of the name of this one, but it doesn't look to safe. Good thing she was not moving forward, but I guess you have start somewhere.

Nate called this something, but I don't remember what it is. She has good balance because she didn't go over the handle bars.

Here is another "heel-clicker" move. As you can see she loves doing tricks.

I am glad that she enjoys wearing her helmet. I think our next purchase will be full body armor.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Labor Day Camping

It's official... Summer is over. We did end the summer with a great camping trip to Maple Grove. We camped at the KOA right off Co. Rd. 101 and you would have never guessed we were still in the cities. The campground is beautifully wooded and peaceful. We arrived Friday evening to the festivities in full swing. We unloaded and settled in for the long weekend. A few notes about the weekend.... There were 9 children under the age of 6, 12 adults, and one dog.
This was picture 6 of 6. It was really hard to get all the kids to look and smile at the same time. Kaitlyn loved playing with all the kids that she didn't nap on Saturday. We tried to put her down, but 20 minutes later I found that she climbed out of the pack n play and was using half the wipes to clean the camper in her diaper. The good news is that she wasn't the only one who didn't nap and no one really broke down until 7pm.
We decided to bring our picnic table for the kids to use. It came in handy with all the little ones. I actually found this table at a garage sale for only $2.00. I love garage sales.
Here is Cousin Hailey and Kaitlyn enjoying some pudding together in the wagon.

Kaitlyn relaxing during our camping trip.
The weather was perfect. Kaitlyn loves to be outside playing in the dirt, picking acorns, playing at the park, and being with her cousins. When we were packing up to leave... she kept saying "Bye, Bye Camper". The nice part of camping so close to home is that we were home by 1 and unpacked by 2.