Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Zion Luthern in Mayer hosted a Easter Event this past Saturday. Kaitlyn was pretty excited since this is where she will be going to preschool in the fall. They had several arts and crafts stations for the kids and a big Easter egg hunt. Here are some pictures of Kaitlyn during the Easter Egg Hunt.Kaitlyn and Daddy loved collecting all the eggs. Daddy helped her find all the eggs.
Kaitlyn was sad when all the eggs were collected, but that was short lived since we got to go the park after.
Kaitlyn and daddy on the way to her schools park. She was so excited to be at her school.

Kaitlyn and daddy digging in the rocks.

Busy March

March has sure flown by. The warm and snow less March let Nate get a lot of things done around the house and yard before the busy summer season starts. Nate has been taking EMT classes for the past few months. He should be done by the end of April. My mom is been adjusting and enjoying her time with Kaitlyn. We believe that my mom brought the Texas warmth with her. Thank you Mom.

Kaitlyn only wears diapers at nap time and bed time. She has woken several times with a dry diaper. She wears her big girl underwear all the time. My mom finished the potty training by helping Kaitlyn learn to go poopy on the big potty. It is so nice not to have to buy diapers on a regular basis.

The other day Kaitlyn and I decided to head to Hutchinson to do a little shopping. On our way there Kaitlyn told me she had a tummy ache, which usually means she either has to poop or toot. (Oops... Kaitlyn would say Fluff.) So, I decided that we better stop at the next gas station. When I put her on the potty, she tooted and than said "All done!" Yes, we stopped for her to fluff. She than asked me if she could see her fluff in the toilet. The joys of potty training.

Here is Kaitlyn posing. She loves getting her picture taken and than looking at it after.

We have also been working on colors, numbers, alphabet, and her full name. She knows that she lives in Mayer, Minnesota too. Here is a quick video of her saying her name. She always starts out saying her first name really quietly... than goes for the gusto with her middle and Last name. (According to Kaitlyn our new last name is McMeilly).

Nate and I before the Mayer Fire Department Banquet.

This spring we have had some flooding in Mayer. It was fun to go and drive by the river to see how high it was getting every night. Here are some pictures of the Crow River that runs through Mayer.

Co. Rd. 123 on the way to Watertown.

Not sure of the road name, but in Watertown on the way to Delano.

Hwy 25 heading back to Mayer. The road never fully closed, but it was down to one lane.

Hwy 23 heading into Mayer. Normally you wouldn't even be able to see the River from here.