Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Kaitlyn started swimming lessons this week. We signed her up for the Parent/Child class. She was so excited especially since it was suppose to start last week, but the pool was broken. Kaitlyn kept telling people "swimming lessons were broken".

Kaitlyn did awesome. There are about 8 families in the class. The first day we learned how to float on our tummys and on our backs. Kaitlyn wasn't a big fan of floating on our back. Practise makes perfect. We also learned how to jump into the pool into mommy's arms. At first she wanted to hold mommy's hands, but after a few attempts she was jumping in without holding hands and mommy catching her.

Mommy also dunked Kaitlyn which wasn't the funniest part of the lesson. The good news is that Kaitlyn was more shocked than upset. The teacher would start to talk to Kaitlyn and she would tell me: "I don't like him." I have to keep telling her that we have to be nice to the teacher because he is going to teach us how to swim. Hopefully she will get used to him by the end of the class.

At the end of the lesson when it was time to get out of the pool, Kaitlyn decided she wasn't done. The only way I could get her out was to ask her if her fingers were pruny. She said yes. So, I told her that means it is time to get out of the pool. That seemed to work.

I don't have any good pictures of us in the pool. Nana and daddy have come to watch, but all the pictures are dark and hard to tell where we are in the group.

Kaitlyn waiting for swimming lessons to begin. She didn't want to look at the camera. At least she is smiling.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fun Pictures

Here are some fun pictures we have taken over the past few weeks.

Kaitlyn kissing the turtle by the Farmer's Market in Minneapolis.

Mommy and Kaitlyn posing by the turtle.
Kaitlyn standing our big dirt pile in our backyard. Kaitlyn and a milk mustache.

Girls Weekend

This past weekend my mom, sister, Kaitlyn, and I headed up to Two Harbors. My sister is planning a destination wedding at Gooseberry Falls this fall, so we wanted to go and check out the area.
We left bright and early on Saturday morning. We got to Superior Shores Resort just in-time to meet with the coordinator to show us around. The views of Lake Superior were amazing from the rooms. After our tour we headed up to Gooseberry Falls.
Kaitlyn wasn't too sure about the people who offered to take our picture. Later she asked us if one of them was Santa because of his long beard.
Kaitlyn loved riding on mommy's shoulders. It helped keep her from jumping in all the puddles.
The weather was a little chilly, but the sun was shining so it wasn't that bad. Kaitlyn loved watching the waterfall and climbing all the stairs.

The whole time Kaitlyn kept asking when we were going swimming. So, after much waiting we went back to Superior Shores and went swimming.

Kaitlyn was watching Nana and Aunty Anny doing hand stands and somersaults in the water, she kept telling me she wanted to do that too. I had to explain to her that she didn't know how to swim yet. Good thing we start swimming lessons this week.

Sunday we woke to a beautiful sunny day. We decided to walk down by the Lake and look at all the cool rocks. A fun past time from our youth. We could have stayed for hours looking at all the rocks.

My mommy and me on Mother's day!

Kaitlyn and nana by the lake.