Monday, November 29, 2010

Kaitlyn's Prayers

Recently Kaitlyn has started leading our bedtime prayers.  Here is her prayer for tonight.

"Dear God, Thank you for my mommy and my daddy's.  Thank you for my Nana, Bopapa, and all my Anny's, all my uncles, and Daddy's deer. Amen." 

Than she realized she missed some people in her prayers, so we started a new prayer.

"Dear God, Thank you for my Grandma Suzie, and Tim.  Thank you for my Mandi.  Amen."

Nate and I have really enjoyed Kaitlyn leading the bedtime prayers.

Friday, November 26, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas....

Wow, It's December in a few short days....  Thanksgiving has already come and gone.  Now it's the countdown until Christmas.  Friday after a long day of shopping that started at 2:30am... we decided to head to Mora to see Santa.  He was scheduled to come on a Fire Truck.

Kaitlyn was excited to be with her cousins and to see Santa.  If you ask her... she was scared of Santa when he was on the Fire Truck because there was a marching band that was loud, but liked him when she met him.
Kaitlyn wouldn't sit on his lap, but would talk to him.  When asked what she wanted for Christmas... She said... "A Baby with a nukie and a bottle." 
Santa and the cousins. 

Picture after Gibson realized who was holding him.  Priceless!