Thursday, May 17, 2012

4 year old Preschool Field Trip

Kaitlyn's 4 year old Preschool class took a trip to the Children's Museum. We got to ride in a real school bus.  Kaitlyn even let me sit with her.  In previous conversations she told me that I could come, but that I had to ride in the front of the bus with Mrs. Hoese while she sat in the back with her friends.

A few days before the big field trip... Kaitlyn decided she better pack her lunch.  When I got home from work she couldn't wait to show me.  She packed 10 fruit snacks and a juice box.  She told me... "Mom, we better put this by the stairs so we don't forget it."

The night before the big field trip Kaitlyn kept coming out of her room after we put her to bed.  Finally she looks at me and says "Mom, I am just so excited for tomorrow I can't sleep."  

We had a great time doing all the activities.

Brayden, Kaylee Eggiman, and Kaitlyn
They had a station that would let the kids draw on their face.  Kaitlyn was so proud of her beautiful work.

I think this was Kaitlyn's favorite part of the Children's Museum.  Using the crutches.  She kept following other little girls around waiting for them to be done with the crutches so she could use them.

Kaitlyn driving a bus.

Friday, May 04, 2012


Here are a few pictures of Kaitlyn and Gavin.  Nothing in particular, just some cute pictures.