Friday, May 31, 2013

Kaitlyn's Dance Recital

We enrolled Kaitlyn in a Community ED dance class for the past 4 months.  We thought it would be a inexpensive way to introduce dance and see if Kaitlyn enjoys it.  We spent the last 17 Monday's at the Elementary School gym learning her 2 main dances and the opening dance. 

Monday nights were at times pretty hectic.  I would rush home get the kids fed and head out the door.  Gavin would tag along when Nate had training.  It was hard to keep him occupied for the 45 minutes while Kaitlyn danced.  A few times Gavin tried to be part of the dance group, but Mom quickly grabbed him and distract him with her phone or varies toys. 

Kaitlyn likes to dance most of the time.  I think the repetitive nature of learning a dance can be a little boring at times for Kaitlyn.  She would dance the first time around and than would stand and just look around until she thought it was time for her to participate again.  The funny part is she still knew most of the dance when it came down to the recital.

The day before the recital we had to go to the rehearsal.  On the way to rehearsal Kaitlyn told me she was scared.  I asked her why and she said she didn't want everyone looking at her.  I told her that it was normal and that they will be looking at everyone else.  She seemed happy with the answer and by the time we were on our way home... she couldn't stop talking about how much fun she had. 

Paige and Kaitlyn before the recital!

K-2 Dance group in their "Firework" outfits.

Kaitlyn all changed and ready for her 2nd song "Whodunit".

Daddy and Kaitlyn

Gavin decided he wanted to be part of the show too!

Kaitlyn after the recital with her pretty flowers!

Cousin Hailey came with Grandma and Grandpa!

Cousin Hailey spent the night!  The girls had a fun time having girl talk.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

Our little girl has graduated from Kindergarten.  She will be going to 1st grade at the Elementary school this fall.  Here are pictures from her graduation.

Waiting for the their certificates

Kaitlyn sitting at her desk.

Nana and Kaitlyn

Mrs. Shaw and Kaitlyn

Mommy and Kaitlyn

Daddy and Kaitlyn

Friday, May 24, 2013

A Boy and his Dog

Gavin taking Cody for a walk camping in St. Cloud.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Thinking Spring!

This past weekend was beautiful.  The temperatures were in the 70's and 80's and everyone was outside.  We finally were welcoming SPRING to Minnesota... or so we thought.  As I type this we are in a Winter Storm Warning with an expected 3-6" of snow.  I will post pictures tomorrow as the majority of the snow will showing up overnight.  To try to stay positive here are few pictures of our trip to the park on Sunday.