Saturday, April 26, 2014

Run or Dye 5K on Harriet Island

Now that I have had a taste of running a 5K it was my mission this summer to do more.  I may not run fast, but I do complete every 5K.  My first 5K of the season was the Run or Dye at Harriet Island.  The weather was perfect.
Pre-Race photo: Nikki, Aimee Eggiman, Alicia Hilk, and Jennifer Jackson

After race photo: Nikki, Aimee, Jennifer, and Alicia

My best friend who inspired me to run my first 5K last summer!  Love her to pieces!

This was more of a fun race, so it was not timed. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spelling Test

It is fun to watch your children grow and learn.  It is also fun to see their school work and spelling tests as they learn to spell words.  Here is a Spelling Test we rec'd home from school.
Too bad #1 was marked wrong as it was a correct spelling of a word.  I will have to save this test for when Kaitlyn get's older.