Thursday, December 14, 2006

Last Weekend

I apologize that it has been over a week since my last post. I have been meaning to sit down and write this post. Last weekend MotoRider and I went to our neighbors 1st birthday. We had a great time. Here are some pictures for you to look at.

Here is a picture after the first fist full of cake. Good thing FavoriteNeighbor bought a special cake for Hailey. A few minutes after this picture was taken Hailey got it all over her face and in her eyes. Sorry I don't have any pictures of that, but I had to help mom clean it off her face. Hailey wasn't too happy that it was in her eyes.

MotoRider enjoyed teasing Hailey before she opened all her new toys. She also enjoys coming to our house to play. I can't wait until she can ask her mom if she can come over to the cool neighbors house. I am hoping she will ask this summer.

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