Monday, September 10, 2007

Picture Perfect or Not?

Today Anne, Kaitlyn and I went on a little shopping trip. Our main goal was to get Kaitlyn's newborn pictures taken. We got to the mall around 11 and set up an appt. for 2. Since we had a few hours to spare we had lunch and did a little shopping. The whole time Kaitlyn slept peacefully in her car seat while we made our way around the mall.

At 2 we went back to get her pictures taken and Kaitlyn started waking up. So, we got her already and the put her down to start taking pictures... and she started screaming. I tried every technique to get her to calm down so we could continue... I mean start our photo session. (We were able to get one picture taken.) After about 15 minutes of trying to get her to stop crying... we decided to just try again another day. I guess she just wasn't ready to get her pictures taken. We are going to try again tomorrow!

Well, we had a successful picture session yesterday. Kaitlyn and I went back to JCPenny and tried to take her pictures again. She cried in the car on the way and right before, but stopped when we started taking pictures. Yeah!!! They are so cute! I can't wait to get them back.
Here are some updated pictures..

Here is Kaitlyn at 2 weeks old enjoying life at home. She has started being more awake now. She is usually awake in the morning around 9 am to 11 am. Than she fusses before she starts falling asleep again. She also wakes up around 2 or 3 and again fusses when she is waking up. Than she wakes up sometime in the evening for 2 hours before bed.

Here is Kaitlyn and Cody. Cody was a good boy and laid still for us to take a few pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see pics from her first photo shoot- or wait, second:)
I hope you are enjoying your time with the little peanut. She's so cute!
We miss you. We REALLY miss you:)