Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dairy Queen

This blog is not about Dairy Queen the restaurant, but my new title. My co-worker has renamed my slog from "Drama Queen" to "Dairy Queen". Most of you know that I have chosen to breastfeed Kaitlyn because of the following benefits:

1. The best thing for Kaitlyn
2. Less poopy diapers
3. Readily Available at the right temperature.
5. Bigger Boobs

Because I have chosen to breastfeed and work full-time I need to dispense my supply during business hours. My boss has provided me a new pumping space in our conference room. The only problem is that this room does not have a lock and can be used by anyone in our office. So, I had to make a sign to make sure that I was not disturbed during this process.

Today is also Halloween and our little Kaitlyn has on a cute little pumpkin sleeper with matching pumpkin hat. I was tempted to go trick or treating tonight, but thought I would get some strange looks if I show up asking for candy with a 2 month old. Maybe if I dressed up like a cow I would get a better response?

Here is our little pumpkin with her daddy this morning. Unfortunately we won't be having any trick or treaters at our house this year. We are still not able to drive to our house. It has been over 4 weeks... but I hear that we should be able to by the weekend. I am crossing my fingers.

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