Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Wow, I can't believe that Christmas is over and it is now time to say goodbye to 2008 and Hello 2009. We stayed around home this Christmas. Christmas Eve we went to my dad's house to have some ham and enjoy a movie or two. We have also decided that my dad will be called "Bobpa" instead of Grandpa. We mixed my dad's name Bob with Papa (What Anne and I call our dad). I would like to thank my Aunt Sandy for this name.
Christmas Day we went to my sister's boyfriend's parents house. We spent the day enjoying some yummy food and great company. Kaitlyn loved their stairs.

This is an older picture from when my mom was here. It is a great picture of all of us girls.

I can't believe how much changes in a year. Kaitlyn is learning more and more each day. She now knows where her feet, belly button, nose, and ears are. She says Mama and Mommy a lot more, but I still think she prefers to say Dada or Daddy. Her new things are climbing and loves to repeat us when we say - "Get Down or Sit Down". She loves to sign a few words too.

Nate now has been a stay at home daddy for a month now. It is fun to come home to a smiling face at the top of the stairs when I walk in the door.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Last Friday as Nate and I were packing up for our trip to Mora, Kaitlyn surprised us again. Nate was busy loading up the truck while I was in the kitchen wrapping a few last gifts. Kaitlyn was near the gate on the top of stairs. As I was in the kitchen I heard the gate move. (Sometimes it doesn't close all the way.)

I called for Kaitlyn to come see me and only heard silence. (Which is never a good sign. That means she is up to something.) As I turned the corner... there she was half way down the stairs. She was holding onto the railing and carefully taking walking down the stairs with Cody right next to her. I can't believe it. She knows how to carefully go down stairs. What? Everytime I have seen her... she just wants to walk right off the top stair.

When Nate got back inside I explained what happened and we tried to replay the episode, but with me holding onto Kaitlyn's hand... Guess what? She just tried to step off the top stair. I guess she knows what to do without me.

She sure does surprise me everyday.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Visit with Nana!

This past weekend my mom came to visit from Texas. We had a very eventful weekend. Kaitlyn of course entertained us. Here are some pictures from her visit.

Here is Kaitlyn on her new four wheeler. She has learned how to push the button to make it go.
We went to the Macy's 8th Floor Display on Friday. Kaitlyn loved looking at all the elves.
After we walked through the Macy's Display we went to watch Hollidazzle Parade. We didn't make it all the way through because it was below zero wind chills.

Here is a picture of Kaitlyn and Nana!

Kaitlyn getting ready to go outside for the Hollidazzle. It took some work, but she can sure get around with all her winter gear on.
Here is Daddy feeding Kaitlyn to the Dinosaurs. She thought it was funny!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Things to Look Forward Too!

Kaitlyn had her 15 month appointment right before Thanksgiving.

Here are her stats:
Weight: 19.5 lbs (5%)
Height: 28 3/4 (5%) - At least she has officially made it on the charts
Head Size: 17 (Not sure on the percentile.)

She still has fluid in both ears, so we are taking her to a ENT today. I will give an update after the appointment on our action plan.

Stolen Pictures from my Sister

My Sister is obsessed with taking pictures of Kaitlyn. I love looking on her facebook at all her pictures of Kaitlyn. Here are some of my favorites.

Anny said that she told Kaitlyn to say "Cheese" and she put on a huge smile. She looks likes she is a toddler now.

Here is Kaitlyn and Grandpa (Boppa) at our house. They were having a heart to heart talk!

Here is Kaitlyn and Daddy! Nate is officially laid off from work now. (It's okay it happens every winter.) They will spend 3 days a week together. The other 2 days Kaitlyn will go to Daycare.

Daddy did Kaitlyn's hair on Monday. He was so proud of himself... He even matched the rubber bands with her outfit.

Joy's After Having a Baby!

I thought I would blog about my experiences after having Kaitlyn. Don't get me wrong... I loved being pregnant and I love being a mom now... but let's just say that things are different now.

First - while I was pregnant... my eyes changed and I was not able to wear contacts. After Kaitlyn was born I was able to wear contacts, but my vision changed. I really didn't believe the eye doctor, but he kept telling me it was because of being pregnant.

Second - while I was pregnant... My hair was beautiful and thick... Now I keep losing it. I mean lots of hair comes out when I brush it. I am surprised that I still have hair! It is also more brittle and I have lots of little pieces that I have tame with hairspray.

Third - I feel like I am a teenager again with all my wonderful zits. I just love these new friends that have wanted to reunite with me.

I could go on about a lot of other things that have changed, but I will spare you the details. I would never want to trade in my life now. Kaitlyn is the joy of my life... She is worth all these physical changes that have happened and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

So Long November.... Hello December

Wow - I can't believe that November is already over. We enjoyed a long holiday weekend with family and friends. Thursday (Thanksgiving) we went to Nate's Aunt and Uncles house in Sauk Rapids. We spent the day eating, shopping, and looking at Black Friday Ads. We didn't do any early morning shopping on Friday, but we did make it to Target later that day. We also put up our new Christmas tree... Actually, it isn't new... since my dad gave us his old/new tree. I decided that it would easier to put the tree together when Nate and Kaitlyn were both sleeping. I enjoyed the silence and peacefulness of the whole ordeal.
Saturday my sister and I went to our cousin's baby shower. I have to say this was the first baby shower that I have gone to that you opened up the gift you brought.... This was because my cousin actually had her baby the day of her shower. After the shower Anny and I went to Kohl's and did some Christmas shopping. We got some really good deals and my Christmas shopping is almost done.

Here is family picture of the McNeilly's on Saturday!

Saturday we had dinner at my dad's with my Uncle Tom and Aunt Sandy, Anny, Uncle Randy, and my dad. We enjoyed spaghetti and so did Kaitlyn.... Okay - I am not a big fan of messy stuff.... ie: Spaghetti and a 15 month old. We will see how I handle arts and crafts later. (If you have seen John and Kate plus 8 - I have similar non-messy traits like Kate.)
Here is Kaitlyn stripped down to her diaper eating dinner. She loved it.... after dinner we headed straight to the bath tub... which she loves too!
Here is Kaitlyn letting us know that she was done with dinner and ready to be cleaned up.

Kaitlyn had the cutest outfit on for Thanksgiving. I love the tights that I found at Walmart.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Little Something

Nate, Kaitlyn, and I have been traveling to Mora for the last three weekends. It is deer hunting season. We have enjoyed spending time with Nate's family. Kaitlyn loves being with her 2 cousins Hailey and Darren.Bath Time! All three kids took a bath Friday night. It was really hard to get them all to look at us. My nephew Darren did a really good job of getting me wet during bath time.

Here is Kaitlyn splashing in the tub. Sorry for being all over the place with the camera... sometimes I forget I am taking video!

Saturday we left Darren and Kaitlyn with a babysitter and went to the North Branch Craft Fair. Hailey entertained us at the restaurant while we waited for our lunch. She is really good at the Hula.

This isn't the greatest video, but all the cousins loving sneaking into the bedroom at grandma's to jump on the bed. Next time I hope to get a better video when they aren't watching.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Random Acts

Kaitlyn surprises me everyday... Last Friday night we were driving up to Mora... I was feeding her a banana in her car seat in hopes to hold her over until we got to Grandma and Grandpa's. I asked her if she wanted and more and she signed "more" back to me. What? I have only shown her this sign a few times. I was impressed. She knows "All Done" since I have been working on that one for several months.

Here is Kaitlyn playing the box of her new big girl car seat. Yes, she has finally graduated out of the infant carrier into the next stage car seat!

An Eventful Sunday/Monday!
This weekend we were in Mora for opening deer hunting. Kaitlyn and I spent most of our time hanging out with the whole family! Sunday afternoon we ate at Burger King... and that didn't sit so well with me... so I spent a lot of time in the bathroom, while we were waiting for Nate to finish up with the night hunt. (I felt fine, but just needed a bathroom near by.) When we left I kept telling myself... I can make it all the way home. Nope! We had to stop at 2 gas stations on our way.... let me tell you... when it is time to go.... IT IS TIME TO GO!

We get home about 9:00pm... Kaitlyn won't go to bed. Ugh! At about 10:30 she is sleeping hard enough... I can get her in her crib without crying! At about 12:30 - Not feeling good... use the bathroom... lay on the couch (which always makes you feel better than in your bed)... and than back to bed by 12:50am.... 1:30am - awaken by Kaitlyn crying... Stupid Cat got locked in her bedroom and has decided to jump in Kaitlyn's crib.... Get up and bring Kaitlyn into our room to calm her down... 2:30am Kaitlyn is asleep and can go back to her bed. 2:45am .... Dog decided to get sick on bathroom rug! 3:00am... finally I can get some sleep. 3:30am... Kaitlyn wakes up... I ignore her and fall back asleep.... Than it's 5:50am... TIME TO GET UP. This whole time.... Nate is deeply sleeping with no idea what has gone on throughout the night! Ugh!!!

She gets to be forward facing in Daddy's truck... but rear facing in Mommy's car....
Kaitlyn and Cousin Hailey playing at Grandma and Grandpa's this past weekend! I was instructed by Hailey to capture this moment on camera.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Happy Halloween Part 2

Kaitlyn had fun Trick or Treating on Friday night! She really did not get the whole concept, but she did try to share her candy with Mommy and Daddy.
Kaitlyn's second costume was a leopard. Right after I put on her whiskers... she rubbed her face.
Here is Kaitlyn trick or treating at our neighbors house! She had to get to the door all by herself and she loves stairs!
After we went to a few neighbors we went to a friends house and enjoyed the nice weather outside.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Kaitlyn has a few costumes to wear today. Here is the first one that she is wearing at Daycare! Nate will be taking her Trick or Treating tonight in her second costume of the day.

I had a hard time getting her to sit still enough to take any pictures. It is not easy to have a 14 month old stand still for too long!
More halloween pictures to come.... after our trick or treating!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

To Keep you Busy!

Kaitlyn has a few new tricks at home. She has now realized that she can fit through the railings in-between our dinner and living room. Except she decided to try it a little differently and got stuck.I love this face expression... See she got stuck... and than I grabbed the camera. If I would have waiting too much longer... She would have started getting mad at me.

Here is the view from the back end.

Here is Kaitlyn in a cute outfit I got from my boss. She looks like such a big girl now!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Girl's Weekend

Kaitlyn and I had a girls weekend. Nate went to Mora to get their new hunting land ready. I still can't believe that deer hunting is only a few weeks away. Friday night we went to Kristin's brother's house for a bon-fire. Kaitlyn loved riding in the wagon and climbing up all the stairs on the deck. It was a little chilly out, so Kaitlyn got to wear her new winter jacket we bought that day.

Saturday we hung out at home until the afternoon. We met Aunty Anny and her friends at a nearby Apple Orchard. We got to go on a hay ride, pick apples, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Kaitlyn loved walking around and picking up all the apples that had fallen from the trees. She also got to taste part of an apple and really liked it.

I hope that this was not the last nice weekend of weather until Spring. Yicks!

Sunday was beautiful, so Kaitlyn and I decided to spend the day outside. We played in the driveway with all our big girl toys. Hailey came over and played too! Kaitlyn loves anything that she can ride on or in. She has mastered the dukes of hazzard window entry into her car. While Kaitlyn was busy with her big girl toys... I raked leaves and sticks.

Look mommy - I can push this all by myself.

Here is Kaitlyn and Hailey playing in the cars. "I am ready if you are.... let's race."

"Ready, Set, Drive...."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mini Honeymoon

My dad's wedding present to Nate and I was 2 nights at a hotel. Nate and I chose to go up the North Shore to see the fall colors. We stayed in a cute little motel in Two Harbors. We had a jacuzzi suite - which we ended up not using. The pool hot tub was a lot quicker to use - especially after our long day of hiking on Saturday.
We both had Friday off, so we left late Thursday night (after Nate's class) and spent the night in Mora. Friday morning... we left Kaitlyn and Cody with Grandma and Grandpa. (From what I heard... Kaitlyn had a great time with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunty Mandi, and her cousins... I do know that more family stopped over to visit. One thing to note... she was a Grandma's Girl.)

The weather was a little rainy on Friday, but that didn't stop us from a tour of Glensheen Mansion, and a home brewed beer at the Brewhouse. We also met up with my college friend Jen and her husband for a quick visit before we headed to Two Harbors for the night.

Here is Nate and I at the Two Harbors pier. Some nice stranger took the picture for us. (We had to ask a lot of nice strangers to take our picture.)

Saturday morning we got up and headed up the North Shore... We beat the crowds to Gooseberry - The parking lot was full by the time we left. We also walked all the way to Lake Superior. It was a little chilly at first, but by the time we walked back... we were sweating.

Here is another nice picture taken by a stranger at the top of Gooseberry Falls.

Here we are at the Lake. No nice strangers to take our picture... plus Nate is not very excited to be in every picture.

After Gooseberry we went to Split Rock Lighthouse. We made it just in-time for the walking tour. The sun started to come out during the tour. We learned a lot and also decided to take the path down to the lake. The walk down was easy, but the walk back up the 171 steps... not so fun!

We ran into another nice stranger to take this picture... I felt kind of guilty because he was already holding 2 huge cameras.... my guilt vanished when his wife came and asked us to take their picture.

Our next stop was Grand Marias... My favorite little town in Minnesota. I hadn't been there for over 10 years, but it was worth the drive. The trees were at their peak. We ate at Sven and Ole's and did a little shopping. I found a cute hat for this winter. On our way back to Two Harbors... we stopped at Cascade Falls... which was beautiful. It had rained all week, so the falls were beautiful.

We want to thank all of our guest photographers on our mini-honeymoon. With out them we would not be able to capture our trip. We also want to thank my dad for sponsoring our adventure... without him and lower gas prices... this trip would not have been possible.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

A Better Walking Video

Last night we tried to capture a better video of Kaitlyn walking... She falls a few times, but gets back up and tries again. The crazy thing she is carrying is Cody's collar... Enjoy!

Monday, October 06, 2008


A few Friday's ago I decided to take some high schoolers from my church to a football game. This left daddy home to be with Kaitlyn. Of all the nights... she decides to take her first real steps. The next day I tried to get her to do it again, but no... only for daddy. Than last Friday Nate picked Kaitlyn up from daycare and she walked to him. (What? This can't be happening!) When I got home... she did walk to me. She can stand up without any help and is able to walk at least 7 - 10 steps. I tried several attempts to capture some video of her walking without falling, but that didn't work out so well. Here is one video... I am going to still attempt to capture her walking without falling.

All at Once!

Since Kaitlyn waited until after her first birthday to get her first tooth.... they have all decided that they need to come out now. About a week after her first tooth appeared (Top right)... her top left tooth started to appear. This past week I have noticed that her 2 middle bottom teeth are showing and another one on the top right. She does pretty well with all this action going on in her mouth. She doesn't sleep to well on the nights, but otherwise is pretty easy going about these changes in her mouth. The one thing I have noticed is that she likes to grind her teeth... Is this normal? My feeling is it is a new feeling in her mouth and it feels good to put pressure on her them.

Kaitlyn loves to play in her laundry basket. After she helped fold her clothes she decided that being in the laundry basket was more fun.

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Montage of Activities

Our Last Boat Trip of the Summer!

Last Saturday we decided to go on the boat. It may have been our last outing for the summer. Kaitlyn loves going on the boat. She does get tired of the life jacket since she can't move around very well. I keep telling her that once she grows a little bigger it won't bother her so much. She loves going fast and over waves... she has some of her daddy's racing blood in her.

Her favorite part of the whole boating adventure was helping daddy steer. She loved sitting on his lap and looking around and having the wind blowing on her face.

Random Pictures and Thoughts!

Kaitlyn is learning so much so fast that it is hard to keep up. She loves to stand and walk around everything in the house. She thinks that Nate and I are jungle gyms that she can play on when we are laying the floor. (Cody does too!) Her newest thing is standing by herself for a few seconds at a time. She usually falls once she realizes that she is not holding onto anything. I think her longest time was 30 seconds. She is starting to get tooth number two. The good news is that she doesn't get too cranky, but has to have something in her mouth at all times.

Kaitlyn's favorite toy right now is her Dora car she got from her Auntie Anny for her 1st birthday. She gets so excited when we go outside and walk up and down the street. It can keep her entertained for a good 30 minutes because of all the buttons and noises it makes.

Kaitlyn is a talker. Yesterday when we were doing our nightly Dora scooter ride she just talked away. I am not sure what she was saying, but she had lots to say. Here is a video of Kaitlyn talking. It is kind of dark, but you can listen to her talk about her day.

Friday, September 19, 2008

It Could Only Happen To Me!!!

First I would like to point out that this is why I am called Drama Queen... I don't create the Drama... it just happens to me.

Yesterday around 4:15pm... I was getting ready to leave work. My normal routine is to use the restroom before my long drive home. (Side note: I predicted this to happen and it did.) After using the facilities and washing my hands... I went to unlock and open the door... It wouldn't open... the door knob would turn, but the door would not open. Yicks... So, I frantically knock on the door. Lisa my co-worker came to my rescue, but she too could not open the door. After rounding up a few more of my co-workers... we started creating plans on my escape. First... the screws to take the door knob off are on my side of the door... Great! We can't fit a screw driver under the door... My creative co-workers shoved parts of tools for me to use to remove the door knob. (Good news... my cell phone fits under the door. This made me feel a lot better.)

I want to personally thank my co-workers for making this situation humorous so that I would not panic. I really thought we would have to call the fire department to come and bust me out of the bathroom. After about 15 minutes I was able to unscrew the door knob and they got me out.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Weekend

Jessa and Andrew's Wedding
This past Saturday my good friends Jessa and Andrew got married. Even though it rained... it was a perfect day. Here are some pictures from their big day.

Here is Nate and I enjoying the reception... Kaitlyn stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jessa Pike..... and me!!!! They looked amazing!

Here is myself, the beautiful Bride, and Kristin (Matron of Honor).

Stupid Dog Award!

Cody gets the Stupid Dog award this week. Sometime last week... we think Wednesday or Thursday... Cody decided to eat part of the bed sheet that was in his kennel. First I would like to point out... this bed sheet had been in his kennel for over a year now... so, why he decided to eat it now... I really don't know.

Anyway... for the last several days... he has been throwing up and pooping parts of this bed sheet. I will just put it this way... for how much I have seen come out of him... I am surprised it didn't bother him. If you looked at him and knew how he acted we would never know that he ate a bed sheet. Even though he was acting normal I was still concerned so I decided to call the Emergency Vet... (Side note: We are to leave for my friends wedding in 30 minutes.) Here is our conversation:

Nikki: "My dog ate a bed sheet and has been throwing up pieces of it for the last 2-3 days!"

Emergency Vet: "Well, you need to bring him in right away!"

Nikki: "How much do you think this will cost?"

Emergency Vet: "It is $108.00 just to see him plus any other tests we have to do."

Nikki: "What if we don't bring him in?"

Emergency Vet: "Well, there is nothing you can do for him at home... and he might die."

Nikki: "Okay, thank you!"

Let's just say that I was not very happy with this conversation... He is acting normal so can you just give me some signs to watch for???? I tried again by calling another vet that happened to be open... they were very helpful and told me what to watch for and when I should bring him to the Emergency Vet.... So, as of today.... Cody seems to have worked through the bed sheet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Handful of Posts

My Toothless Baby has a tooth...

Kaitlyn got her first tooth the other day. I was giving her a bath and while drying her off... I saw a little tooth peaking through.... It is the top right tooth... Of course that night she had a hard time sleeping, but nothing a little Tylenol can't help. We are also starting to see 2 more teeth poking through... pretty soon she will be catching up with all her teethe friends.
Big Girl on the Block
Last night Kaitlyn and I were practising walking... We used a walking toy that she got from her Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly. She was so proud of herself.

We had to take several takes on this video... As you can tell she loves nilla wafers... that is why her shirt is so dirty.

Before and After

A few weeks ago Nate and I did phase One of our re-landscaping. (Actually, Nate did a lot of the work - I just helped where needed.) Here are some pictures before and after... We still need to do the landscaping around the house, the backyard, and build a deck.
Here is the Before Picture! Sorry for all the equipment in the picture....

Here is the finished product - We plan on painting our name on the rock... maybe next spring.

Here is a before picture of our mailbox and lovely electrical boxes we have in our yard.

Much better.... The Hostas and the mulch make it look so much nice... and now we don't have to mow around everything.