Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Random Acts

Kaitlyn surprises me everyday... Last Friday night we were driving up to Mora... I was feeding her a banana in her car seat in hopes to hold her over until we got to Grandma and Grandpa's. I asked her if she wanted and more and she signed "more" back to me. What? I have only shown her this sign a few times. I was impressed. She knows "All Done" since I have been working on that one for several months.

Here is Kaitlyn playing the box of her new big girl car seat. Yes, she has finally graduated out of the infant carrier into the next stage car seat!

An Eventful Sunday/Monday!
This weekend we were in Mora for opening deer hunting. Kaitlyn and I spent most of our time hanging out with the whole family! Sunday afternoon we ate at Burger King... and that didn't sit so well with me... so I spent a lot of time in the bathroom, while we were waiting for Nate to finish up with the night hunt. (I felt fine, but just needed a bathroom near by.) When we left I kept telling myself... I can make it all the way home. Nope! We had to stop at 2 gas stations on our way.... let me tell you... when it is time to go.... IT IS TIME TO GO!

We get home about 9:00pm... Kaitlyn won't go to bed. Ugh! At about 10:30 she is sleeping hard enough... I can get her in her crib without crying! At about 12:30 - Not feeling good... use the bathroom... lay on the couch (which always makes you feel better than in your bed)... and than back to bed by 12:50am.... 1:30am - awaken by Kaitlyn crying... Stupid Cat got locked in her bedroom and has decided to jump in Kaitlyn's crib.... Get up and bring Kaitlyn into our room to calm her down... 2:30am Kaitlyn is asleep and can go back to her bed. 2:45am .... Dog decided to get sick on bathroom rug! 3:00am... finally I can get some sleep. 3:30am... Kaitlyn wakes up... I ignore her and fall back asleep.... Than it's 5:50am... TIME TO GET UP. This whole time.... Nate is deeply sleeping with no idea what has gone on throughout the night! Ugh!!!

She gets to be forward facing in Daddy's truck... but rear facing in Mommy's car....
Kaitlyn and Cousin Hailey playing at Grandma and Grandpa's this past weekend! I was instructed by Hailey to capture this moment on camera.

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