Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Five Months Old

I can't believe our little girl is five months old already. She is getting more and more active everyday. She loves to play with easy to grab toys, her burp rags, and petting Thomas and Cody or should I say... She tries to eat them too! She has also found her feet.

She is finally bigger than the duck. I am hoping that at her 6 month appointment she will have moved up on the length chart.

This past week my mom came to visit for a week. Kaitlyn loved all the attention from her Nana and Aunty Anny. It was nice because I would get up at 6:30 and give Kaitlyn to my mom and I would go back to bed.

Boating season is just around the corner so we bought Kaitlyn a life jacket. She didn't mind having it on and we hope that she gets used to is, so when it is time to out on the lake she will be ready.

Date is Set - 06-07-08

Nate and and I are going to make it official on June 7th, 2008. We will be getting married in Excelsior.

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