Friday, May 01, 2009

The BIG 30!!

Well is has been officially one week and I am still alive and kicking! No major aches and pains yet! I do have to say that my memory hasn't been the greatest. For example: One the last day of being in my twenties I decided to stop at Culvers for a yummy butter burger... I decided the drive thru was the way to go... As I "almost" got to the drive thru window... I realized that I forgot to stop and order... oops! So there I was backing up in the drive thru. I think the lady behind me thought I was crazy or just confused. I know you are thinking... Nikki you can't count this story since you weren't thirty yet... Well... on my birthday my sister, mom, and I had our toes done. Before our appt. I stopped at Subway to get a Dr. Pepper. When we were finishing up our pedicures... some subway employee walks in and says "Did someone forget their keys in Subway?" Good thing my sister took the heat and said she did.

Saturday I had the big party. The weather turned out just perfect... It could have been a little warmer, but at least it wasn't raining. It was great to see all my friends and family. Thank you to everyone that came. This birthday wasn't an easy one for me.

I don't have a ton of pictures from the night. Here is me with Katie and Kristin!

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I am glad that you had a great Birthday. I do have to say that the 1st sign of another baby on the way is forgetfullness.