Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Last Thursday we headed to Texas to celebrate my Aunt and Uncles 40th Wedding anniversary and visit my mom. We left bright and early on Thursday morning. We decided to bring Kaitlyn's carseat with us on the plane. It worked perfectly. Yes, it was a little difficult lugging it through the airport, but it worked awesome on the plane. Kaitlyn loves to talk and repeat everything you say. We taught her to answer several questions about our trip. "Where are we going?" - her answer: "Texas". "How are we getting there?" - her answer: "Airplane - Nana!".
The weather started out a little chilly on Thursday but by Sunday it was sunny and in the 80's. My mom and aunt picked us up from the airport and we headed to Onalaska, TX. My Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins from Minnesota flew down with us.
Here are some pictures to illustrate our trip. They say a picture says a 1000 words - Right?

Kaitlyn and Nana on my Aunt and Uncles dock. A few days later there was a Snake sunning itself on the dock. Reason # 1 why we don't live in the South - Poisonous snakes.

A cute family picture of the McNeilly's!

Explanation of above picture: For some reason Kaitlyn loves to pull down her pants. We aren't sure if it is because we have started the potty training process or because she thinks it is fun. Some people have commented that she learned this from her mother. You be the judge.

Here is my mom and I at my Aunt and Uncles 40th Wedding Anniversary.

Kaitlyn had a great time dancing at the Party. Of course when we told her we were going to a party... she asked if "Smokey Bear" was going to be there. (Side Note: We had a Mayer Fire Summer Party and Smokey the Bear came...) The cute outfit is from my Aunt Marsha. It is a 3T and fit her perfectly.

My cousin Heather, Kaitlyn, and I enjoying a beautiful day outside. We spent most of the time at my mom's house and my Aunt and Uncles house. We had to teach Kaitlyn not to play in the grass.... Reason # 2 - Why we don't live in the South - Fire Ants. So, every time I carried her across the grass - she would keep telling me about the Fire Ants.
We had a great trip to visit my mom (nana). We enjoyed the warmer weather, but still love the fact we live in Minnesota. Crazy - I know!

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Looks like you had a great time. What a great photo of you and Nate at the end. Yes, I love Minnesota too, even Moorhead. Crazy, I think it is in our blood.