Monday, January 25, 2010

Potty Training

This weekend we decided to really focus on potty training Kaitlyn. We started Saturday morning. She picked out a pair of kitty underwear. She was pretty excited about getting marshmallows for having successful potties. We spent the morning asking "Do you have to go potty?" Most of the time she would say yes, so we would go into the bathroom and attempt to have a success. Here are some notes from the day:

1. Kaitlyn loves to go potty just a little each time so she can get more marshmallows.

2. Kaitlyn would get so excited to see if she went potty, that she will get up mid-stream to check. (We spent a lot of time cleaning up the floor.)

3. Kaitlyn went "big poopy" on Saturday in the potty. During this trip to the bathroom she decided it was a private matter and asked that I leave the bathroom. I am surprised she didn't ask for a book or newspaper. She was rewarded several marshmallows for her success.

4. Kaitlyn had only one accident on Saturday evening while waiting for daddy to come home.

Sunday started the same. No accidents and several trips to try to go potty. We explained that if she needs to go potty that she can just go and we will come in when she is done. Let's just say that we spent most of our awake time in the bathroom checking for more potty.

Here is Kaitlyn's potty chair. She has decided to take both potty chair types and make them into one comfy "extreme" potty. It does create a little more clean-up, but it works. I am hoping that we can transition onto the "really BIG potty" soon. I am not a big fan of the whole dumping process.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We celebrated Nate's (aka. Daddy) birthday on Saturday. Kaitlyn woke him with her rendition of Happy Birthday. It was really cute! Here is a reenactment of her morning performance with some added material.

Nate, my sister Anny, Randy, and the Eggiman's came out for a nice birthday dinner at Osaka's. We had a lot of fun having dinner as adults without tending to children. (I am not sure all our behavior was adult like, but we had a great time.)
Here are some pictures from the night.
Group photo! Nate (aka: Birthday Boy) is the one in the mask. I think Steve was a little confused on what was going on that moment.
You can't tell, but there is a stream of Saki flowing into Steve's mouth. It got a little messy, but it was fun to see everyone have a "shot" at it. (Aimee and I opted out of the fun.)

Nate's attempt on the Saki shot... or stream. Not exactly sure what to call it.
Anny didn't do to bad!

But the winner of the longest Saki shot was....

My soon to be brother Randy.... He keeps going and .....

....and going. If you notice the cook now has to squeeze with both hands!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Little Miss Talks Alot

I have been having trouble loading videos on my blog for the past few months. Our friend Zach came over and helped me make my video files smaller and now I can load videos. Yeah! Here is a video of Kaitlyn a few months ago.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Miracle in the Family

This past Saturday our Nephew was born. Nate's sister Mel and our brother-in-law welcomed Gibson Samuel into the family. He has been a long awaited miracle to our family. My sister-in-law spent 15 LONG weeks on bed rest to ensure "Little Man" would wait to join the world until he was ready. After a long 35 weeks of waiting, he decided it was about time to come and meet his family.

I was able to be at the hospital when he was born. Nate's other sister Mandi, cousin Sara, Auntie Tammy, and a few others waited outside the hospital room door just waiting to here him cry. He weighed in at 6lbs. 5 oz and was 17 inches long.
We want to welcome our newest member into the family. Gibson you are blessed with some amazing parents that have waited a long time for you to come. We are so excited to have you as part of our family. Remember we are your favorite distant Auntie, Uncle, and Cousin.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Play Date

Kaitlyn and I met up with our friends Diane and Hailey for a Saturday play date. We decided to take them to an indoor playground. This was Kaitlyn's and I's first time at the indoor park, so we were happy that Diane and Hailey were with us to show us the ropes.
I didn't take a picture of the actual play area, but just image a 3 story maze of tunnels, slides, obstacles all enclosed with netting. It is really funny to see adults trying to maneuver through the tight spaces. The good news is that Kaitlyn loved it. Her favorite part is the 2 different jumping areas. She would have stayed in there all day if we would have let her.Kaitlyn, Nikki, and Hailey (Diane was taking the picture!)

Kaitlyn in the jumping area with all the other kids.

Here is Kaitlyn and Hailey in part of the indoor play area. Diane and I were right behind them as they made there way through the maze of levels. A few times I wasn't sure if we would make it through. I did manage to lose my camera while crawling through a tunnel, but a nice adult behind me saw it and gave it back.

After we left the park, we went back to Diane and Hailey's for lunch. Kaitlyn found a Santa hat and kept it on the whole time while the girls played playdough. To be honest, all four of us played with the playdough.

Thank you Diane and Hailey for a great playdate! We had a lot of fun!