Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We celebrated Nate's (aka. Daddy) birthday on Saturday. Kaitlyn woke him with her rendition of Happy Birthday. It was really cute! Here is a reenactment of her morning performance with some added material.

Nate, my sister Anny, Randy, and the Eggiman's came out for a nice birthday dinner at Osaka's. We had a lot of fun having dinner as adults without tending to children. (I am not sure all our behavior was adult like, but we had a great time.)
Here are some pictures from the night.
Group photo! Nate (aka: Birthday Boy) is the one in the mask. I think Steve was a little confused on what was going on that moment.
You can't tell, but there is a stream of Saki flowing into Steve's mouth. It got a little messy, but it was fun to see everyone have a "shot" at it. (Aimee and I opted out of the fun.)

Nate's attempt on the Saki shot... or stream. Not exactly sure what to call it.
Anny didn't do to bad!

But the winner of the longest Saki shot was....

My soon to be brother Randy.... He keeps going and .....

....and going. If you notice the cook now has to squeeze with both hands!

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