Monday, February 22, 2010


Potty Training... so far so good. We have yet to accomplish pooping in the potty, but we can go all day with no accidents. She still gets marshmallows for every successful potty trip and will sometimes ask just for trying. We have been using pull-ups since poopy in the potty is not a big priority for Kaitlyn.

Terrible Two and half's.... Nate will tell you that Kaitlyn is very whining when I am around. I would have to agree, but he claims she is fine when it is just them. This past Sunday we were all recovering from some strange stomach bug. Kaitlyn who had the least issues kept asking for different snacks through out the day. Trying to stay firm with NO. She would throw herself to the ground and cry and ten minutes later ask again. I tried telling her she was driving me bonkers, but she only repeated the word "Bonkers?". Nate and I were pretty tired of listening to the breakdowns we decided that she needed to go to her bedroom to cry. She did this several times with no complaint. One time she came out of her room with her face all red and blotchy from crying in her room. (It was really hard not to laugh.)
Holiday Inn... A few weekends ago, Nate's family spent the weekend at the Holiday Inn by MOA. We visited for the day and went shopping and swimming. Here are some pictures from our day.

Kaitlyn getting ready to go swimming. She had so much fun that we had to tell her get out even though her lips were blue and she was shivering.

Kaitlyn loved jumping into the pool with daddy.

Kaitlyn holding her cousin Gibson for the first time.

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