Monday, July 26, 2010

Kanabec County Fair

This past weekend we headed to Mora, MN to spend some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Kaitlyn was so excited because we were going to go to the "County Fair". The whole way up on Friday she kept asking when we would be at the fair.

Friday night Grandma, Cousin Hailey, Cousin Darren, Kaitlyn, and mommy headed to the fair for dinner and some rides. Everyone had a lot of fun that it was hard to get everyone to go home for bed.
Saturday we brought the kids back down to finish up all our ride tickets before the parade.
Holding hands as on the way to the Fair.

Boat Ride!



Dragon Roller coaster! They had to stop the ride because after the 2nd time around Kaitlyn started crying. She said that it hurt it her tummy!

Kaitlyn, Cody, and Hailey!

Here is a quick video of Kaitlyn singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!" She loves to sing and combine different songs together.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Air Show

Sunday Afternoon we took Kaitlyn to Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie for the annual Air Expo. We had a lot of fun looking at types of airplanes and helicopters. We also go to see a police car and a big "Crash Rig" Fire Truck.

We had a hard time convincing Kaitlyn that our time was up playing.

An airplane that would fit Kaitlyn perfectly.
Kaitlyn in a military helicopter.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Much Needed Vacation

Last week the McNeilly's headed to Cozy Bay Resort on Lake Edward. We spent the week hanging out with Nate's immediate and extended family and friends. We enjoyed the warm weather, swimming, boating, fishing, playing, golfing, shopping, and great food.
Since pictures say a 1,000 words.... I will use them to show you how our vacation went.

Kaitlyn relaxing in the water with her tub. She loved swimming with her cousins.

Cousin Gibson was napping, so we didn't get any good swimming pictures.
Cozy Bay Resort. We rent the big cabin and another on to the left that is hidden by the trees.
Swimming beach and boat dock!

Swim Island we spent most of the week on!

Kaitlyn and Grandpa Tim being Silly!

Cousin Hailey and Kaitlyn enjoying Pizza in Nisswa.

Grandma, Cousin Darren, and Kaitlyn.

We went to Pequot Lakes to enjoy some Bean Hole Days. Don't ask what they do... Something about they bury beans in a hole for 24 hours and then you eat them. It must be a small town thing.

Cousin Gibson enjoying a Sunset Cruise around the lake.

Grandma Sue and Kaitlyn enjoying the Sunset Cruise around Lake Edward.

Kaitlyn got to drive the boat for a part of our cruise around the lake. We ended up going around in circles, but she still had fun.

Kaitlyn driving us on our Sunset Cruise!

Much Needed Vacation Part 2

To continue our vacation post.... We had lots of fun enjoying the water and sun. We rented one of the resorts tubes and took Kaitlyn tubing. Here is a mock family photo. Nate actually drove the boat while Kaitlyn, Cousin Alex, and Mommy went tubing.

Getting ready to go "Really Fast".

Going faster!
Kaitlyn loved tubing!Some of us girls getting ready to go tubing on the 3 seater.Heading Out for some extreme tubing. Aunty Mel and Kaitlyn!

Our annual pyramid. It seems to get harder and harder to do every year.

Kaitlyn helping feed Gibson before Bed.

Our vacation was wonderful. The weather was perfect. We enjoyed relaxing and can't wait for next year.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

Wow, I can't believe the 4th of July has come and gone already. Now it is the countdown to the cabin! Our weekend started on Friday evening. We packed up the truck and headed to Mora to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Cody even got to come because Nana was watching my sisters puppies. Hailey, Darren, and Gibson greeted us when we arrived and Kaitlyn couldn't get out of the car seat fast enough. We spent the evening visiting and Kaitlyn, Hailey, and Grandpa had a sleepover in the camper. Grandpa had to text me at 11:00 pm to let us know the girls had to be separated. By 11:15 pm they were sleeping soundly.

Cousins: Kaitlyn (2 almost 3), Hailey (5 1/2), Darren (3 1/2), Gibson (5 months)

Hanging out with Daddy/Uncle Nate at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Saturday evening we headed to the new Ogilvie Dirt Race Track. We rented a "spot" which meant we could bring the truck, grill, cooler and chairs to watch the races.
Kaitlyn and Darren trying to get a better view of the race cars.

Everyone enjoying the hot weather and the races.

Kaitlyn and Hailey watching the races from the best seat in the "Spot".

Daddy answering all of Kaitlyn's questions about racing.

Nikki and Darren (God Son) enjoying the races.

The girls sitting on Auntie Mandi's lap.

Our nephew Gibson thought the races were pretty boring and feel asleep.
After the races they had an awesome fireworks display. Kaitlyn wasn't a big fan of the loud booms. It helped that daddy covered her ears during the show.