Monday, July 26, 2010

Kanabec County Fair

This past weekend we headed to Mora, MN to spend some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Kaitlyn was so excited because we were going to go to the "County Fair". The whole way up on Friday she kept asking when we would be at the fair.

Friday night Grandma, Cousin Hailey, Cousin Darren, Kaitlyn, and mommy headed to the fair for dinner and some rides. Everyone had a lot of fun that it was hard to get everyone to go home for bed.
Saturday we brought the kids back down to finish up all our ride tickets before the parade.
Holding hands as on the way to the Fair.

Boat Ride!



Dragon Roller coaster! They had to stop the ride because after the 2nd time around Kaitlyn started crying. She said that it hurt it her tummy!

Kaitlyn, Cody, and Hailey!

Here is a quick video of Kaitlyn singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!" She loves to sing and combine different songs together.