Friday, October 08, 2010

My Little Sister Got Married!

My little sister is officially a married woman.  She married her best friend Randy on Oct. 7th, 2010.  They had been dating for over 9 years, so IT'S ABOUT TIME!  The wedding took place on the North Shore in Minnesota at Gooseberry Falls State Park.  The weather was unseasonably warm and perfect! 

Kaitlyn getting ready for her big moment as a flower girl!  She was so excited to see your Auntie get married.

Kaitlyn and Logan waiting for the wedding to start!
The Ceremony!
Kaitlyn holding Aunty Anny's Bouquet during the ceremony.

 Kaitlyn forgot to drop the rose petals while she walked down the aisle... so after the ceremony she wanted to put them on the ground for Auntie Anny to walk on. 
 Daddy and Kaitlyn!
Daddy and his little Girl!
 Mommy and Kaitlyn!
 My new Brother!!!!!
Papa doesn't like to show his teeth in pictures.  Priceless!

We had an amazing time in Two Harbor, MN for my sister wedding.  The weather was perfect.  Congrats to my little sister and her new husband Randy.  We are so excited to share many family memories in the future!

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