Thursday, September 01, 2011

Kaitlyn's Birthday Party

We had a small birthday party for Kaitlyn to celebrate her 4th birthday.  We invited family to come and celebrate.
As a surprise we rented a Pink and Purple bouncy house. When the guy arrived to set up the bouncy house we asked her what she thought her surprise was? She guessed bouncy house even before he started to blow it up. (Literally the bouncy house was laying folded up on the ground and she knew what it was.) I asked her how she knew it and she said.... because of the screens. (I think we may be in trouble when she grows up.)

Kaitlyn and her cousins Darren and Hailey waiting to go in the bouncy house.

.... Still waiting!

Almost time!

Yeah!  We can bounce!

Opening Presents.  Yeah $$$$.

So happy that she got a travel pillow pet.  Just like her cousin Hailey.

Blowing out the candles.

Gavin and Mommy playing in the bouncy house.

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