Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gavin 9 Months

We have a crawler or should we say swimmer.  Gavin has started to master moving in a forward direction instead of rolling side to side.  His forward motion looked more like he was swimming at first.  He now army crawls to get to his favorite things which include: balls, cords, computer mouse, cell phones, remotes, and anything other than the numerous toys scattered around the living room.  He hasn't mastered reverse yet, so when he gets into a corner he usually will start to cry.  Good thing his big sister is there to help drag him out.  (or carry him... which he doesn't seem to mind.)

 He has started to enjoy more solid foods.  Actually, we really have only tried very mushy puffs.  Mommy needs to stop being paranoid and add to his pallet of solid foods.  He still loves all the foods we have tried.  We are hoping he isn't as picky as his big sister.

Gavin has started to say "mamamamama".  It is usually when he is upset.  He loves to make screeching sounds.  I think he is just trying to make more noise than his talkative sister.  He also loves to grunt like a boy.  Not sure where he gets that from but we will just say it's from his daddy.

The other big news is that we are finally making the transition into his own crib.  Kaitlyn and Gavin will be sharing a bedroom, so it's taken some adjustments to make this happen.  Kaitlyn isn't a big fan of Gavin taking over her room.  Several of the nights I was waken up by Kaitlyn coming into our room to tell us that Gavin was crying.  A few times she said "well, aren't you going to take him to your room?"  The only one that doesn't seem to phased by this all is Gavin.  He seems happy to just go to bed.  I say this because every night when we put him down he gives us a huge smile.

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