Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Day at the Brehmer's

Christmas Day we headed to my sister's house for a little brunch and to open more presents.  I still can't believe how nice it was outside on Christmas day.  We can't complain with temps in the 40's in late December.

Uncle Randy and Josie.

Mommy and Gavin.

Gavin and Bopapa

Nana's present from "all of us".  We are excited to add another name to this shirt once our nephew arrives in a few short months.

Kaitlyn helping Gavin open up one of his presents.

Nap time with Nana

Making sugar cookies.  Our new annual Christmas Day tradition.

Gavin's new Excavator from Aunty Anny and Uncle Randy.

He loves it.

Mommy and her babies.

Bopapa and his grand kids (including Baby B's bump).

The McNeilly's

Kaitlyn, Gavin and Nana

Nate and I on Christmas day.

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