Monday, April 16, 2012

Gavin 14 Months

A lot can happen in a month.  Gavin now has almost 4 teeth.  He has his 2 front bottom teeth all the way in.  He has one top tooth with 3 more close behind.  This has made for an interesting month.  He gets pretty crabby on the days the tooth finally pushes

He has also started to walk or at least have an interest in walking.  A few weeks ago at our friends house he took his first 2 steps.  He only did this on slim occassions, but still preferred crawling his main form of transportation.  The last few days he has really shown an interest in walking.  He will stand up in the middle of a room and walk the rest of the way to his desired location.

He loves to play with matchbox cars and making vroom noises.  He also drives them already the house.  He also loves sitting on his nascar toy while his sister pushes him around the house.

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