Saturday, October 20, 2012

Minnetonka Orchards - A Tradition

A few weeks ago we headed to Minnetonka Orchards.  The weather was a little cloudy and cool, but nothing we couldn't handle for a few hours. 
Kaitlyn's Annual Picture with the Apple!

Gavin wasn't interested in pictures today. 

Apple Express here we come!

Gavin was fine on the train until he saw me.  Than he started crying.

I asked Nate to take pictures... and this is what I got... and see the time lapse below.  The slide was pretty fast and I had to use my feet to slow me down the whole way down.

Gavin loved driving the train.

Kaitlyn wasn't too excited about these pictures!

Chasing after sister!

Hay Ride up the big hill!

The McNeilly's!

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