Sunday, February 24, 2013

Gavin's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Gavin's 2nd Birthday at the Chaska Community Center and enjoyed some time in the pool and some pizza and cupcakes.

Auntie Mel and Cousin Darren and Hailey enjoying the lazy river.

Kaitlyn going down the water slide.

BFF's Hailey and Kaitlyn

The Birthday Boy!

Hailey and Uncle Nate

Gavin walking into the pool.


Steve, Kaylee, and Nate

Kaitlyn, Aunty Mandi, and Hailey

Time for some pizza!

Heather and Lauryn

Brady and Nana

Cousin's... We tried to get Gavin in the picture, but he wasn't interested!

Waiting to open presents!

Opening Presents!

He was so excited with each present he wanted to play with it right away and not open the next present.

Lighting the candles

Gavin kept trying to blow out the candles as I was lighting them.

Trying to blow out the candles!

Aimee trying to help lite candles before Gavin blew them out.  

Aimee trying to block Gavin from blowing out the candles!

Finally time to eat his cupcake.

It's a lot easier to just not use your hands.

Gavin's quick way of eating his birthday cupcake.

Thank you to everyone who celebrated Gavin's Birthday!

More Ice Racing

We headed up to Rush City to watch Daddy Ice Race.  The weather was perfect and it was a great day on the ice.
Daddy and Justin racing!

The guys lined up.  Justin, Shaun, and Nate!

Gavin watching the Quads race!

Waiting to race!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hotel for President's Day

Monday was President's day and Kaitlyn didn't have school, so we meet the Eggiman's at a hotel in Shakopee to enjoy a night of swimming, pizza, and hanging out.  The hotel had a great pool that we had to ourselves for most of the time.  It was salt water, so once the kids figured out not to drink the pool water they had a great time.  

The hotel also had lots of video games that were free to play.  It was a great night.

 Kaitlyn and Aimee playing the motorcycle racing game.

Kaylee and Kaitlyn's turn!

Gavin and Daddy playing Pinball.

Gavin and Ashlynn cuddling

Gavin getting ready to put the moves on Ashlynn

 And the kiss!!!  

We can't wait to do this again next year!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday to our Little Man

Wow, Gavin turned two today!  I can't believe our little man is 2.  It seems like yesterday we were at the hospital almost 6 weeks early waiting for our little guy to make his appearance!  I love to watch him grow and to see his personality come through.  He loves anything to do with cars, trucks, firetrucks, dirt bikes, balls, etc...  He makes a siren sound for fire trucks instead of saying it.  He is really starting to talk.  He doesn't use sentences yet, but has a key set of words to get his point across.

He loves to copy what his big sister is doing.  They are really starting to play well together most of the time.  He loves to run, jump, dance, and play with Cody and Thomas. 

Since we were at our friends house for the day on Gavin's Birthday... we made some cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday!  Gavin was a little shy.

Gavin playing with his birthday present!

Ice Skating

We spent the day at the Eggiman's house for some outside fun.  We bought Kaitlyn her first pair of skates and she got to try them out for the first time.  She did amazing and was the last kid to take them off.  She used the chair for a little bit, but than she decided she could do it on her own.

Attempting to stand up!

Making progress!

First attempt with no chair!

See... I can do it!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


We had a nice snow storm that dropped several inches of perfect snowman making snow today.  Kaitlyn and I decided it was safest to make the snowman on the deck.  Let's just say that if we made our snowman in the yard... we would probably roll up more than just snow.  It's been a long time since we picked up Cody's dog poop.

Kaitlyn giving her snowman a little kiss.

The temperature was pretty warm around 32 degrees so by the time we were down making our snowman we didn't need our jackets on for the pictures! 

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Ice Racing

We headed to Hutchinson to watch Nate, Justin, and Shaun do some ice racing.  The weather was perfect so we were able to spend most of it outside.  The goods news is Justin brings his camper so when we do get cold we have a warm place to hang out.  Here are some pictures from the day.

Waiting for the race to start.

Watching the other races.

Daddy racing!

Kaitlyn cheering on daddy!

TJ, Sonja, and Logan came to watch Nate race!  Thank you for cheering him on.

Logan and Kaitlyn enjoying the races
Getting ready to head to the start line for his last race.