Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday to our Little Man

Wow, Gavin turned two today!  I can't believe our little man is 2.  It seems like yesterday we were at the hospital almost 6 weeks early waiting for our little guy to make his appearance!  I love to watch him grow and to see his personality come through.  He loves anything to do with cars, trucks, firetrucks, dirt bikes, balls, etc...  He makes a siren sound for fire trucks instead of saying it.  He is really starting to talk.  He doesn't use sentences yet, but has a key set of words to get his point across.

He loves to copy what his big sister is doing.  They are really starting to play well together most of the time.  He loves to run, jump, dance, and play with Cody and Thomas. 

Since we were at our friends house for the day on Gavin's Birthday... we made some cupcakes and sang Happy Birthday!  Gavin was a little shy.

Gavin playing with his birthday present!

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