Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pumpkins and Power Tools - Canceled

A few weeks ago we planned a Pumpkins and Power Tools party... unfortunately we had to cancel it. Kaitlyn woke up Saturday morning with a horrible sore throat and a high temp... this could only mean one thing... STREP THROAT!  We headed to the Target minute clinic for a quick throat swab to confirm and hopefully gets some antibiotics.  Kaitlyn is the only one in our household that seems to get Strep throat. That's good and bad... Good that we don't have more sick days on the books and Bad because this is Kaitlyn's 5th time getting Strep in the past year!

Since we had already picked out our pumpkins we needed to find an evening to carve.  Tonight was the night!  Here are few pictures of our carvings....

Gavin was not about to put his hand inside the pumpkin.  He was more interested in the tool that helped scrap the inside.  Mommy had to do all the dirty work.

Kaitlyn on the other hand loved getting her hands dirty.  After we were done carving pumpkins I think she spent a good 30 minutes just making pumpkin/seed pies with the insides!

Gavin wanted his pumpkin to say BOO!

The beautiful sharpie drawings were Gavin's contribution to his pumpkin! 

The finished pumpkins!  The kids loved carving... we are hoping next years event won't be canceled due to illness!

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