Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's a Mouse!!!

We had an eventful day at work when we found a cookie had been eaten during the night that was on my co-workers desk.  We knew it was a mouse, but not sure where he was when we arrived.  I searched drawers, garbage cans, etc... but found nothing but mouse poop.  Than Kari saw it run across the floor by her office.  There was lots of screaming and than no one would touch the floor.
Kari not happy that she just saw the mouse.

Amy and Lisa deciding that touching the floor was not an option.

I did see the mouse run into Erin's office.  I shut the door and put up a mouse barrier until we could get some traps set to catch our new friend.

We did catch the mouse in a garbage can and made sure he wouldn't be back.

As the saying goes... if there's one mouse there is probably more.

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