Sunday, September 13, 2015

Cozy Corners Campground - Our summer rolled into one POST

Instead of separate posts of all the things we did this summer at our new Seasonal campground I decided to just put them all in the one post.  As you can tell we spent a lot of time on the lake.  We finally used our boat for more than 4 hours.  But that did come with a cost... I hit the front of the boat when the dock jumped out in front of us.  I also found a nice pile of rocks with the prop... thank goodness Nate was with so he could change out the prop at the sandbar.  And our last trip home the tire on the boat trailer blew and thank goodness Nate was only 15 minutes from our location he could come and change it along side the road.  Other than that we had a great summer.
My amazing Mother-in-law and I out on the boat.  

Heading to the sand bar!

Napping is always welcome on the boat after a long day on the lake.

My niece Hailey and I

Time to rinse off after a day on the lake.

Playing in the dog kennel!

Boating is tiring!

Evening boat cruise with Steve and Renee Doyle

My happy place!

Enjoying a little drink at the camper!

Cody loves camping too!

Another day on the lake!

Another time to take a nap!


We spent Father's Day at the camper this year.  The kids made cakes for daddy!

Daddy's girl!

I ran the 5K in Richmond with my friend Angela

Sunday boat cruise!

Cousin trip to the sandbar!

Luau at the campground!

Nate with Easton and Parker!

We love summer!

Gavin and Dylan enjoying the lake!

No more pictures!

Still gets cold in August!

Someone didn't want to walk up the hill!

Campfire with crazy wood!  Creepy!

They like each other when they are sleeping!

More selfies with the boat!

Labor Day was a perfect sand bar day!

Last boat cruise of the season.

Halloween at the campground!

Why not blow a tire on the boat trailer on the last day of boating season.

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