Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Six Hour Cruise

This past Sunday I woke up in the beautiful furnishing of the Perham Super 8 motel. After some continental breakfast Anne and I went to the country club in Perham to celebrate my Grandma's 86th Birthday. We had a nice brunch, some picture taking and visiting. After about an hour I had to make the long journey back to the cities to pick up Nate at the airport. Yes, Nate is home. Most of you know that Texas (along with several other states) has been dealing with some ice. So, Nate decided to leave before the storm to come home. It took me a little over 3 hours to make it to the airport, but his plane was delayed an hour. That being said, I spent another hour in the car at a hotel parking lot waiting for his phone call. Don't worry - I stayed occupied by talking on the phone. Good thing I have unlimited minutes on the weekends. In a nut shell - I left Perham at 1:00 in the afternoon and didn't get home until after 6:00pm.

It is so nice to have Nate home. My uncle and his girlfriend Kathy have also been staying here for a few days. I never seem to get away from a full house. I really enjoy the company. My uncle is leaving Thursday for the trip back to Florida and Nate is not sure when he will be leaving to go back to Texas. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye again.

Grandma is 86

This past weekend my sister, dad, and I made the trip to Perham, MN. We drove up on Saturday and checked into the luxurious motel. We visited for a few hours at my aunt and uncles before heading over to see Grandma. She moved to a senior home in Perham last May and she tells that she enjoys living in a small town. Sometimes it can be a little difficult to talk with her because she has dementia. Here is a picture of my grandma, Anne and I at the country club where we had a nice brunch.

I had to leave a little early from the celebration because Nate was flying into the Minneapolis later on Sunday afternoon.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Trip to Texas

Wow, I can't believe that it is 2007 already. Last week my sister and I took a trip down south to visit my mom. I hadn't seen her for over a year, so the trip was greatly needed. I want to first mention that Nate has taught me how to pack for a trip. Granted he wasn't here when I was packing, but he would have been proud. Granted I needed another bag for the way home, but that is what happens when you go shopping after Christmas. There are sales all over the place.

I want to first thank my Auntie Marsha. She spoiled us buy treating us to many meals. I can't say that we went hungry when we were there. Anne and I decided that we needed to fast for about a week for the amount of food we ate in the 5 days we were there. I also want to thank my mom too. She was a great host and I wish she lived closer so I could see her more.

We spent most of our trip in my mom's town. The interesting thing about where she lives is that it is in a dry county. This means that only private clubs can sell alcohol. This includes bars. So, I had the privalage of joining a few clubs while we were down there. During one our evening outings my mom and aunt decided that they were going to sing karaoke. Anne and I refused to take part in this event, but we were able to get it on video.
Our last night the four of us traveled to my cousin Heather's house in south Houston. We spent the evening at the Kehma Boardwalk where we ate at Ichibon's (Japanese Steak House). It was so good, but I needed to be carried home because I ate too much.