Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Six Hour Cruise

This past Sunday I woke up in the beautiful furnishing of the Perham Super 8 motel. After some continental breakfast Anne and I went to the country club in Perham to celebrate my Grandma's 86th Birthday. We had a nice brunch, some picture taking and visiting. After about an hour I had to make the long journey back to the cities to pick up Nate at the airport. Yes, Nate is home. Most of you know that Texas (along with several other states) has been dealing with some ice. So, Nate decided to leave before the storm to come home. It took me a little over 3 hours to make it to the airport, but his plane was delayed an hour. That being said, I spent another hour in the car at a hotel parking lot waiting for his phone call. Don't worry - I stayed occupied by talking on the phone. Good thing I have unlimited minutes on the weekends. In a nut shell - I left Perham at 1:00 in the afternoon and didn't get home until after 6:00pm.

It is so nice to have Nate home. My uncle and his girlfriend Kathy have also been staying here for a few days. I never seem to get away from a full house. I really enjoy the company. My uncle is leaving Thursday for the trip back to Florida and Nate is not sure when he will be leaving to go back to Texas. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye again.

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