Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Doctor's Appointment

Monday Nate came with me to our 4 month appointment. Only 6 more months to go. That seems like so far away. This doctor's visit wasn't as eventful as my last one, but Nate did get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Nate thinks we are having a boy and I think we are having a girl. We will find out on April 30th who is right.

Now it is your time to put in your guess. Here are a few facts to help you make your decision. 1. The last heart beat measurement was 150 beats/minute. 2. I have not had morning sickness. I hope those help you make an informed decision. So, all you have to do is post a comment and make sure to write your name, so I can keep tally. Good Luck!!


Anonymous said...

I think your baby is a girl!

Unknown said...

James thinks it's a boy.

Jen Blix said...

I need more info to make my decision:
Are you gaining in just your belly or is your bum growing too?
Can you eat red meat or does it make you feel sick?
Any wierd craving??

Monster-Update said...


Jen Blix said...

Sorry Nikki but you are having a BOY!! Unless your butt starts to get bigger I am positive its a BOY!

quilterscabin said...

Boy.... but then, I am always wrong.

If it makes any difference- I wasn't sick with Trace, only the girls. However, I did barf without warning the beginning of my 2nd tri. Was REALLY sick with the girls, yet never threw up.

~cousin Michelle

Anonymous said...

Not sure but I'll take a stab at it. I guess it's a going to be a girl. Papa