Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Can Do So Much!!!

One week from today our little girl is going to be 6 months old. I can't believe it. She is doing more and more every day. This morning I had her in a bouncy chair and asked her "Where are my smiles?" and she looks at me trying not to smile and gives me her pouty lip and than smiles. Kaitlyn is learning how to hold her own bottle. I still thinks she likes us to do it for her, but sometimes she will do it herself.

This past weekend we went to St. Cloud to spend the weekend with Nate's family. We stayed at the Holiday Inn and went swimming for the first time. I wanted to see how Kaitlyn did when we dunked her under the water. I think it was harder for me than for Kaitlyn. She only cried for a second when she came out of the water.Here is Kaitlyn and her nana. She loved all the attention from Nana and her Aunty Anny. Sometimes mom and dad can get kind of boring.
I love this picture, but was is the deal with the garlic toast? I think Nate was getting kind of hungry and that is what he wanted to focus on.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ohhhh...What a Cutie!!! I could just kiss Kaitlyn...and your mom, your sister and of course you too. **Sigh** I just miss kissing those cheeks.

Smooch XOXO. I am missing some of Kaitlyns baby love :-)