Wednesday, March 26, 2008

7 Weeks of Sickness

Wow - it's been awhile since I have written on my blog. I apologize to everyone that have been disappointed with my lack of blogging. Not to make excuses, but let me take you back 7 weeks ago.

It was Ash Wednesday and Kaitlyn and I came down with a horrible cold. I thought... okay a week of runny noses and coughs .... and than we will be healthy again. Well, I was wrong. Several weeks later... our colds had improved, but Kaitlyn got some stomach bug and spent a week throwing up. During this week - we realized she had a double ear infection. We put her on an antibiotic - which she hated... so was she throwing up because of the medicine. No one will now. After 10 days we took her back to check her ears - she still had the double ear infection... this time we tried a new antibiotic and the chiropractor.... Me on the other hand still had a runny nose, but my symptoms starting getting better. But wait... After I thought I was feeling better I ended up spending the night in the bathroom (unrelated to the cold) - I decided a trip to the doctor was in order. I had a sinus infection... so now I am on an antibiotic. Wait... it gets better. Now Kaitlyn seems to be over her cold... and I come down with a 102 degree temperature... yicks!!! Than 2 days later Kaitlyn is running a high fever. I am now convinced that we have influenza... back to the doctor for Kaitlyn. She still has a double ear infection... What? So, now she is on a different antibiotic... I have told you that she hates medicine. Back to me... I am still not feeling well and now I have a hard time breathing... I go back to the doctor the next day... I have bronchitis and am put on 3 different medicines. This brings us to today! I am still coughing and blowing my nose.... Kaitlyn is feeling better. The good news is that during this whole time... she still smiles.

I guess... my thoughts are WHEN WILL IT BE SPRING? I am ready to be done with the doctor and all the co-pays... the runny noses and of course the sleepless nights.

Okay - not everything in the past 7 weeks have been horrible. Kaitlyn is learning to love cereal and bananas... this week we are going to try carrots. Yummy! She has also moved into her own crib in her own room. I am so proud of myself... it only took 7 months to do. So far she has been sleeping great and so has her mommy.

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