Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Picky Eater

The most challenging part of parenting right now is Kaitlyn's picky eating habits. I find it very stressful to figure out what to make for lunch and dinner. I am trying very hard not to cater to her wants, but want to make sure she is eating something. She loves breakfast foods with the exception of eggs. Lunch and dinner are a different story. She won't eat any vegetables. Sometimes she will eat broccoli. Green beans, peas, and carrots are a no go. I have tried hiding it in other things, but she always finds a way to get them out of her mouth before eating.

Last night her dinner consisted of her favorite foods: Bread and butter, fruit, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Dessert - of course Graham crackers. She knows where we have them in the cupboard so she will stand in the kitchen pointing at the cupboard and will grunt until she gets one. She also loves Cheerios.
Kaitlyn loves to each Cottage Cheese with her hands. She also loves to touch her hair. Here is what happens if you mention "Hair" while eating.

After work I decided to buy some baby food again. This time I bought sweet potato and squash. So, we gave her sweet potato baby food last night and she ate the whole jar. Maybe she isn't a fan of whole veggies. My action plan right now is to just give her baby food vegetables with her whole veggies. I hope this works. It bothers me that she isn't eating veggies.

Here are some pictures of Kaitlyn a few nights ago. She loves to sit in her car and play.
She also loves having her picture taken. When you hold a camera most of the time she will smile and say "Cheese".

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Hello fellow Blog Readers... I have had several requests that I need to update my blog. I am not sure if I just had writers block or if I was procrastinating. Maybe a little of both. One thing is for sure... We sure have been busy so far this year.

Nate has officially become a firefighter. He passed his test with flying colors. The last two Saturdays he has taken the State Certification tests for Fire Fighter 1 and Fire Fighter 2. He passed all the practicals, but we will have to wait a month to find out about the written part. The next big step is taking the one month First Responder class in February.

Snap Shots so far this January
Kaitlyn got a new sled from her Aunt and Uncle and Cousins for Christmas. I took her for a ride down the street and she loved it.

"Mom - I lost my glove in this big snow pile..."

A few weekends ago we met Nate's family at MOA. Grandma took Kaitlyn on the Merry-Go-Round.

My Grandma passed away on January 3rd. Last Thursday was her birthday so my sister, dad, Nate, Kaitlyn and I drove to Perham to attend the first of 2 memorial services. We felt that we needed to celebrate her life and birthday. Here is a picture of me and my sister at my Grandma's memorial service. It was a wonderful service where we shared stories of my Grandma.

Here is a picture of the outside temperature on my way to work last week.

Kaitlyn the Daredevil

Disclaimer for the video below: We don't encourage Kaitlyn on this activity. This was the best video I could get. It does look like it was an accident, but in reality she does this for fun. We have caught her in the act several times.