Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Hello fellow Blog Readers... I have had several requests that I need to update my blog. I am not sure if I just had writers block or if I was procrastinating. Maybe a little of both. One thing is for sure... We sure have been busy so far this year.

Nate has officially become a firefighter. He passed his test with flying colors. The last two Saturdays he has taken the State Certification tests for Fire Fighter 1 and Fire Fighter 2. He passed all the practicals, but we will have to wait a month to find out about the written part. The next big step is taking the one month First Responder class in February.

Snap Shots so far this January
Kaitlyn got a new sled from her Aunt and Uncle and Cousins for Christmas. I took her for a ride down the street and she loved it.

"Mom - I lost my glove in this big snow pile..."

A few weekends ago we met Nate's family at MOA. Grandma took Kaitlyn on the Merry-Go-Round.

My Grandma passed away on January 3rd. Last Thursday was her birthday so my sister, dad, Nate, Kaitlyn and I drove to Perham to attend the first of 2 memorial services. We felt that we needed to celebrate her life and birthday. Here is a picture of me and my sister at my Grandma's memorial service. It was a wonderful service where we shared stories of my Grandma.

Here is a picture of the outside temperature on my way to work last week.

Kaitlyn the Daredevil

Disclaimer for the video below: We don't encourage Kaitlyn on this activity. This was the best video I could get. It does look like it was an accident, but in reality she does this for fun. We have caught her in the act several times.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Welcome back!! Glad to hear things are good for you so far this year.